


不平等的其他问题也出现了,如Sharpies(1998)提出的观察,这些10岁以下的儿童缺乏认知技能,以监测和控制自己的语言使用时,使用智能工具设计的目的。在写作发展的早期阶段,年龄较大的孩子也有同样的困难。像Story Station这样的系统旨在鼓励学生通过提供积极的反馈来复习和修改他们的作业。然而,除了发现写作困难,学生们经常发现它令人畏惧和沮丧-他们与写作恐惧斗争(罗伯逊,2001)。Madigan, Linton and Johnson(1996)将写作忧虑描述为焦虑、自我贬低的想法以及对写作作品如何被接受的担忧。对于写作恐惧症患者来说,写作是“他们积极避免的一种不愉快、没有回报的活动”(Madigan, Linton and Johnson, 1996)。


In most of the designs of intelligent tutor systems, an assumption is made that the intelligent tutor systems would be appropriate for the task at hand, however they are not usually tested these specific requirements. In particular, they are tested to understand how they could be appropriate for other external learning environments. In the real world, education would not be about empowering one student or a small set of students for whom intelligent tutor tools would work. Further research is required to understand how intelligent systems could be made use of in order to empower everybody. Different subsets of users prefer different forms of interfacing for learning. Some user groups prefer the graphical user interface; others prefer more traditional interfaces etc. An interface for learning in the intelligent system need not always be one that would cater to all ages. Interfaces and systems that are built for smaller age groups would not go with that of others. Inequities in learning are therefore introduced when such considerations are not understood.
Other issues in inequities also arise as Sharpies (1998) presents the observation those children under ten years old lack the cognitive skills to monitor and control their own language use when working with intelligent tools designed for the purpose. Older children at earlier stages of writing development suffer from the same difficulty. Systems such as Story Station are designed to encourage pupils to review and revise their work by providing positive feedback. However, in addition to finding writing difficult, pupils often found it daunting and demoralizing – they struggle with writing apprehension (Robertson, 2001). Madigan, Linton and Johnson (1996) describe writing apprehension as anxiety, self-deprecating thoughts and concern about how written work will be received. For sufferers of writing apprehension, writing is “an unpleasant, unrewarding activity that they actively avoid” (Madigan, Linton and Johnson, 1996).