

Firstly, let’s talk about economic CSR. The beginning point is that firm has responsibility towards shareholders. Companies are do not responsible if the company’s activities do not contribute economic profit (Bansal, 2005). Economic CSR is a tool to achieve economic goal, rise profit, wealth creation, and maximizing the shareholder value (Garriga & Mele, 2004). Connection between social and economic is the only meaningful relationship. Almost every activity of social is consistent with development of wealth. Maximizing shareholder value is measured by the share value and it’s due to a short term profit orientation. Shareholder value focuses on social activities contributing to raise shareholder value. Every investment trust in social require that contributes to rise shareholder value is acceptable, without fraud and deception. The economic way is traditional and has enjoyed wide acceptance in companies. Windsor has state that a motive of wealth creation slowly controls the managerial conception of responsibility.

