


这里正在调查的环境问题是城市港口即将产生的油轮运输问题。任何形式的交通增长都将意味着消耗更多的能源,产生更多的废气。这意味着更大的碳足迹。油轮问题的出现主要是由于加拿大正在为启动沿海天然气管道进行规划。这条管道将连接不列颠哥伦比亚省东北部的页岩气田和一个液化天然气设施。这是一个500万美元赞助的项目。项目的监管责任由卑诗省OGC (Shaw, 2013)负责。OGC明确表示,其目标将包括安全和环境特性。然而,环境影响的问题仍然存在。问题描述:由于港口油轮流量的增加(和预计的增加),将对门户城市的环境产生越来越大的负面影响。管道工程将使巨型油轮从阿尔伯塔省的焦油场运送石油。油轮是向各个市场输送石油的必要工具。据提议,该项目使用的超级油轮数量将增加,每年约227艘油轮(Kayaking Tours, 2016)。根据不断扩大的市场需求,将增加更多的超大型油轮。为什么这是个问题?

这是一个问题,因为管道在地下的任何地方都有可能发生泄漏。虽然原子能机构确实保证管道是安全的,但不能否认增加超级油轮对环境的消极影响。为此目的增加了227艘超级油轮,发生石油泄漏的可能性将会增加。碰撞和溢出可能发生,污染土地和水。此外,油轮使用的增加也会导致由于油轮移动而在陆地和水下产生的噪音污染的增加。这些油轮的使用将会持续增加,如果现在允许227艘油轮使用,那么将会导致更多的产量,从而更多地鼓励开发阿尔伯塔油砂(Kayaking Tours, 2016)。这本身就是一个环境影响问题,油轮也会起到同样的作用。目前在加拿大的炼油厂工作岗位将出口到海外,因为大部分石油开采将以原油形式进行,而目前加拿大的炼油厂将无法支持这种做法。因此,当大多数国家开始出口时,可能会导致其他国家也开始出口,以降低劳动力成本,并变得有竞争力。然而,这将导致许多人失业。


The environmental issues being investigated here are that of the tanker traffic that is going to be created in the city port. Any form of traffic increase will mean that more energy is being spent and more exhaust fumes are being created. This means a greater carbon footprint. The issues of the tankers arise mainly because of the planning that is being done in Canada for the launch of the Coastal GasLink pipeline. The pipeline would be connecting the Northeastern B.C. shale gas fields and a LNG facility. This is a $5 million sponsored project. Regulatory responsibilities for the project are being handled by the B.C. OGC (Shaw, 2013). The OGC states explicitly that its objectives will include safety and environmental features. However, the issue of environmental impact exists. Issue Description: There will be an increased adverse impact on the environment of the portal city because of the increasing (and projected increase of) tanker traffic in the port. Pipeline project would result in the carrying of oil from the Alberta tar fields by giant tankers. The tankers are necessary to distribute the oil to various markets. It is proposed that there would be an increase in super tankers used for the project in the rate of around 227 tankers per year (Kayaking Tours, 2016). More super tankers would be added as per the expanding market needs and more.Why is this an issue?

This is an issue because there are chances of pipeline leaks that could happen anywhere underground that the pipeline travels. While the agency does assure that the pipelines are safe, the negative impact on the environment by means of the addition of the super tankers cannot be denied. With an addition of 227 supertankers for the purpose, the chances for an occurrence of an oil leak will increase. Collisions and spills might occur which contaminate both land and the water. In addition, the increased use of tankers would also lead to an increase in the noise pollution that is created both on land and underwater because of the tanker movement. The use of these tankers would keep increasing, if the 227 tankers are allowed now, then it would lead to a situation where there will be more production and hence more encouragement of the exploitation of the Alberta tar sands (Kayaking Tours, 2016). This is an environmental impact issue in itself and tankers would act as tools for the same. The refinery jobs that are being held in Canada would be exported overseas as most of the oil extraction would be in the crude form and the current Canadian refineries would not be able to support it. So, when a majority of them start exporting, it could lead to the situation where others would also start exporting in order to cut labor costs and become competitive. However, this would result in the net job loss for many people.