


“是”就是“是”法或“肯定同意”法在法律界以及普通民众中受到了许多批评(Dougherty, 240)。虽然这项法律已经在加利福尼亚州实施,但纽约州政府的安德鲁·库默(Andrew Cuomo)也签署了这项法律,并授权该州所有的大学和学院采纳它。他希望大学对性侵犯案件采取这种政策。明尼苏达大学(University of Minnesota)也将很快接受同样的肯定同意法(affirmative consent),(由于公民自由方面的担忧,该法律的实施被推迟),该法律还将扩展到新泽西州和新罕布什尔州。从道义上讲,这项法律受到了严厉的批评,因为直到最后一刻拒绝发生性关系的特权被赋予了妇女,她在任何情况下都应该是自愿的伴侣。

事实上,在这个问题上有很多悬而未决的法律诉讼,一开始对女性的接受和“是”能否在最后一刻变成“否”。虽然有人认为,应该自愿同意性行为,以保持妇女的尊严,但这种肯定同意的法律将剥夺她最后的安全手段(Brison, 20)。假设她在环境中感到不舒服,或者不知何故被这个男人的行为吓到了,她没有最后一分钟的退让或走出一个不愉快的局面?在很多情况下,女人可能会为了庆祝某一时刻而承诺与男人做爱,但如果让她坚守承诺或依靠直觉享受幸福的感觉,她就会事后再想(Brison, 20)。这些人的地位无疑是不令人羡慕的。如果他们在最后一刻被拒绝了性行为,他们应该是足够的男人,能够坦然面对,继续前进。


“Yes means yes” law or the law of ‘Affirmative Consent’ has gained a lot of criticism in the corridors of jurisprudence as well as among the common people (Dougherty, 240). While the law has already been put in place in the state of California, Andrew Cuomo from the New York government has also signed the law and had mandated for it to be adopted by all the universities and colleges of the state. He wants universities to adopt this policy for the sexual assault cases. This same law of affirmative consent is also going to be shortly accepted in the University of Minnesota, (where the implementation has been delayed due to civil liberties concerns) and will also be extended to the areas of New Jersey, and New Hampshire.On moral grounds, the law has been severely criticized because the prerogative of denial to have sex up to the last minute has been granted to the woman, who should be a willing partner under all circumstances.

The fact that there are a lot of lawsuits pending decision on this issue of whether the acceptance and ‘yes’ of the woman in the beginning can or cannot change into a ‘no’ at the last moment. While it is argued that there should be willing consent to sexual interaction to keep in place the woman’s dignity, this law of affirmative consent would rob her of her last resort to safety (Brison, 20). Suppose she feels uncomfortable in the surroundings or is somehow intimidated by the behavior of the man should, she does not have the last minute succor of backing out or walking out of an unpleasant situation? In many cases, the woman may promise to have sex with a man to celebrate an occasion, but has afterthoughts later should she be made to hold on to her promise or rely on her instincts and enjoy a feeling of well-being (Brison, 20). The position of the men is no doubt unenviable. If they have been denied the sexual interaction at the last moment, they should be man enough to take this in their stride and move on.