


为了最大限度地减少汇率变动将使其利润化为乌有的风险,公司使用交易风险管理技术来消除它们在进行国际贸易时所面临的风险。对冲汇率风险的技术可以作为一种工具,为企业提供一种减轻或消除汇率风险的方法(Giddy, 2016)。套期保值的货币风险敞口技术也可以帮助企业区分和衡量汇兑损失的根本原因,从而运用适当的方法帮助企业更好地控制汇率的日常波动,提高规划的可靠性(Giddy, 2016)。在这种情况下的四个关键技术是:远期合约,当一个组织拥有的协议支付或接收外汇的具体金额返回一个特定的日期在不久的将来,在大多数的货币,它可以最终获得合同规范的价格可以出售或购买外国目前在一个特定日期在不久的将来。



In order to minimize the risk that currency moves will wipe out its profits, techniques for management of transaction exposure used by firms to eliminate risks that they face when conducting trade internationally. Techniques for hedging currency exposure can be used as instruments to provide a way for a firm to mitigate or eliminate risk of exchange rates (Giddy, 2016). Techniques for hedging currency exposure also help the firms to distinguish and measure the root cause of exchange loss, so that they can apply the appropriate methods to help better control the daily currency fluctuations and enhance planning reliability (Giddy, 2016). The four key techniques in this context are: Forward Contracts ,When an organization holds the agreement of paying or receiving a specific amount in return of foreign currency at a specific date in the near future, in majority of the currencies, it can end up obtaining a contract for specification of price at which there can be sale or purchase of foreign current at a specific date in the near future.

This is essential for converting the uncertain future value of home currency related to the asset or liability within a specific value of home currency for being received on a specific date, being free of change in the rate of exchange in the rest of the period of the contract. Money Market Hedge,Also referred to as a synthetic forward contract, this technique involves the utilization of fact from the coverage of interest parity, perceiving the notion that forward price must be exactly same to the current spot times of exchange rate for the riskless returns of the two currencies. It can also be referred to as the financial consideration of the transaction of foreign currency. A company agreeing on the payment of foreign currency can help in determining the current value for the obligation of foreign currency at the lending rate of foreign currency, while converting the accurate value of home currency provided to the current rate of spot exchange. This ends up converting the obligation into the payable amount of home currency, while eliminating all risks of exchange. Since as a pure need of hedging, this particular transaction will help in the replication of forward movement.