


温哥华地铁的拥堵与该地区的基础设施缺口和不断增长的人口密切相关。基础设施和公共交通状况的维修和建设未能满足规划地点的需求。这导致了通勤时间的增加和交货的延迟。人们不能花更多的时间与朋友和家人在一起,也会对环境造成负面影响。交通拥堵的后果是广泛的,影响到企业、政府、个人司机和公共交通用户,更正确地影响到整个社会。交通拥堵的一个显著经济影响可能与“太平洋门户倡议”(Pacific Gateway Initiative)以及货物运输和服务条件直接相关。关于如何减少交通拥堵问题、如何为基础设施融资以及如何实现可持续发展的严肃对话非常重要。
道路定价的概念可能是“减少拥堵,产生收入,更有效地管理道路使用需求,减少温哥华地铁环境破坏”的一个可能的解决方案(Arnold, 2013)。道路收费也被称为拥堵收费;这一过程包括对在特定时间使用特定道路的司机收费。这大大有助于减少最繁忙地区的拥堵。道路收费系统可以以多种综合方式应用,它“可以采取多种形式,从基于GPS距离的综合方案、无限制旅行的统一收费,到扩大该地区桥梁和隧道的收费方案”(Arnold, 2013)。道路使用实行直价。道路使用者根据道路上的时间和频率付费。道路定价也有利于鼓励人们考虑其他交通设施,在非高峰时间使用道路和减少驾驶(莱文森,2010)。


The congestion in Metro Vancouver is closely connected to the infrastructure gap and the growing population in the region. The maintenance and construction of the infrastructure and the condition of public transport has failed to meet the demand of planned locations. This results in increasing the commute time and late deliveries. People are not able to spend more time with friends and family and also affecting environment adversely. The result of congestion is extensive and has impact on business, government, individual drivers, and public transport users and more correctly on the whole society. One prominent economic effect of congestion could be directly related to the Pacific Gateway Initiative and over the movement of goods and condition of services.The serious conversation about how to reduce the problem of congestion, how to finance infrastructure and how to achieve sustainability are very important.
The concept of Road Pricing could be a possible solution for “reducing congestion, generating revenue, more efficiently managing the demand for road use, and abating environmental damage in Metro Vancouver” (Arnold, 2013). The Road priding is also called as congestion pricing; this process involves charging motorists for using certain roads at certain timing. This helps greatly in reducing congestion in the busiest areas.The road pricing system can be applied in many comprehensive ways, it “can take many forms, ranging from comprehensive GPS distance-based schemes, flat fees for unlimited travel, to expanding the tolling scheme on the region’s bridges and tunnels” (Arnold, 2013). The direct price is applied for using roads. The road users pay the money according to the time and frequency on the roads. The road pricing is also beneficial in encouraging people to consider other facilities of transportation, use of roads at non-peak hours and to drive less (Levinson, 2010).