

“确实,有些科幻小说和科幻电影一样,缺乏原创性,不合逻辑,骇人听闻;但是你必须知道去哪里才能找到他们中的许多人”(Hodgens 37)。这些台词解释了故事情节在现实世界中的相关性。然而,在更深层次上,也有关于被剥夺了自己的身份或自由意志的人的讨论,这些都在故事情节中得到了探索。在这些故事情节中,人们对社会所承担的道德和伦理义务经常受到质疑(Hodgens 37)。将这些概念应用到故事情节中,很明显,在《男人的孩子》中,与这一类型的其他故事情节类似,世界处于灾难的边缘,主角是用来拯救世界的。故事的结尾有希望。这使人们从观看电影中产生希望和满足感。桑塔格指出,这些故事都被简化了。对观者来说,存在着极端的情境和对与错的区别。
这种道德暗示使得故事情节吸引了所有观众。“这些电影提供的另一种满足感是极端的道德简化——也就是说,一种道德上可以接受的幻想,在这种幻想中,人们可以发泄残忍或至少是非道德的情感”(Sontag 45)。这些因素给观众带来娱乐吸引力。正是因为这些因素,观众才会被故事情节所吸引。在当今时代,人们注意到同样的情节主题出现在故事情节中。不可能的情况和非理性的恐惧是有前提的。主人公遵循道德伦理准则,帮助人民,拯救人类。故事情节可能很可笑,但导演巧妙的想象力和创新的努力使人们理解故事情节的细微差别。在制作成功的电影时,有积极的观众参与。


“It is true that some science fiction stories are as unoriginal, illogical, and monstrous as sf films; but you have to know where to look in order to find many of them” (Hodgens 37). These lines explain about the relevance of the story line in the practical world. However, on a deeper note, there is also the discussion of the people deprived of their own identity or free-will that are explored in the plot lines. The moral and the ethical obligations that the people hold towards the society is often questioned in these storylines (Hodgens 37).Applying these notions to the story line, it is quite clear that in Children of Mensimilar to the other storyline of this genre, the world is in the brink of disaster and the main protagonist is used to save the world. There is hope towards the end of the story. This makes the people develop hope and a sense of satisfaction from viewing the movie. Sontag notes that these stories are found to be simplified. There is extreme situation and differences between right and wrong to the viewer.
This moral implication makes the storyline to be engaging to all the audience demographics. “Another kind of satisfaction these films supply is extreme moral simplification-that is to say, a morally acceptable fantasy where one can give outlet to cruel or at least amoral feelings” (Sontag 45).These factors give an entertainment appeal to the audience. It is because of these factors that the audience feels drawn to the storyline. It has been observed in the current times that the same plot themes are found in the story lines. There is the premise of an impossible situation and an irrational fear. The main protagonist is found to follow the moral and ethical guidelines to help the people and save humanity. The storyline can be ridiculous but the artful imagination of the filmmaker and the innovative efforts cause them to make people understand the nuances of the storyline. There is active audience engagement in making the successful movies.