


教皇格列高利被描绘成圣格雷戈里一世,他被称为改革家,管理者和中世纪教皇的创始人。例如,schola的发现是指音乐唱诗班的延续。世俗的和精神的力量是适当地行使的,因此对统治者和作家的地位的反映。格里高利圣咏被描绘成政治的意外和旋转的窜改。第一个歌唱学校是为了训练教会的歌手而设立的。这是本研究中所阐述的重要性(Marsh, 2010)。

Hildegard以其独特的和辉煌的音乐而闻名,它以神学,预言和科学著作而闻名。崇高的音乐和充满活力的音乐被那些寻求安慰和灵感的年轻专业人士所震撼。例如,在这段时间里,由古典音乐和交叉的Hildegard Von Bingen的专辑组成的音乐似乎受到了很大的冲击。这是为研究而进行的,因为要确定西方音乐中历史的作曲家,因此她被定义为《新格罗林音乐辞典》的授权条目。


The Pope Gregory is depicted to be the Saint Gregory I who is known as the reformer, administrator and the founder of the medieval papacy. For example, the discovery of the schola is referred to the continuation of the musical choir. The secular and the spiritual powers are appropriately exercised, and thereby a reflection of the status is made on the ruler as well as the writer. The Gregorian chant is depicted to be the accident of the politics and the spin doctoring. The first singing school was established for the purpose of training the singers for the church. This is the importance which is illustrated in this study (Marsh, 2010).


Hildegard is best known for the unique and the glorious music that is renowned for the theological, prophetic and the scientific writings. The sublime and the life-affirming music were struck as the chord with the young professionals who are seeking the solace and inspiration on a troubled and violent world. For example, the music consisting of the classical and the cross over albums of Hildegard Von Bingen seems to be of great hit during this period. This is undertaken for the study because for identifying the composers of the history in the western music and thereby she is defined as a warranted entry in the edition of the new Grove dictionary of music.