


一个个性化的高乃依的梅林de Saint盖赖斯
这幅画现在藏在Louvre。如果从人性化的角度来分析,可以断定它是清醒的,但仍然是昂扬的。它似乎配合独特的艺术特质,在他的作品中实现C。它描绘了主体眼中的新奇主题。充满精神的文学和艺术的复兴,Corneille似乎经典仿照他的梅林de Saint盖赖斯但是还有新奇触及文艺复兴的精神。

清醒的革命家可能是针对绘画补充项。Saint Gelais的脸上呈现的角度。他的表情很有思想,似乎充满了自由和自我表现的深刻感情。Corneille的特色塑造的圣盖赖斯似乎补充文学活动家,是明显的在他的角色的法国文艺复兴时期。由于减少了文学的限制,Saint Gelais曾经选择了调侃当代的创新用滑稽的强调朗读龙沙的颂诗。文学和艺术特质的“滑稽”的痕迹,在十六世纪,它的起源,它强调对重大事项注轻松。
Corneille将平静但诙谐的表达在他的主题的脸。一个不寻常的举止,可能伴随着当代人他不喜欢Saint Gelais讽刺的观察和想挣脱。Corneille似乎也都集中在给他在一个典型的传统欧洲文学着装法国文艺复兴时期的文学天才的道德表现,荣誉的帽子和高领上衣。如果一目了然的分析,可以得出结论,Corneille为他的画像与主体的真正面貌按照圣盖赖斯,这是流行在现代文学和艺术个性。


A personalized take on Corneille’s Mellin de Saint Gelais
The painting is now harbored Musée du Louvre. If analyzed from a personalized view, it may be concluded that it is sober but still high spirited in nature. It seems to complement the distinctive artistic traits that Corneille implemented in his works. It portrays a theme of newness in the subject’s eyes. Infused with the reviving spirit of literature and art, Corneille appears to have classically modeled his Mellin de Saint Gelais but has left the Renaissance spirit of newness untouched in it.

The sober revolutionist may be a complementary term directed at the painting. Saint-Gelais’ face is presented angularly. His expression is thoughtful and there seems to reside deep sentiments of freedom and self-expression. Corneille’s featured portrayal of Saint-Gelais seems to complement the literary activist that was evident in his persona during the French Renaissance. Owing to reduce literary restrictions, Saint-Gelais once opted to ridicule contemporary innovators by reading aloud Ronsard’s Odes with a burlesque emphasis. The literary and artistic trait ‘Burlesque’ traces its origin during the 16th century, which emphasizes on infusion of light-heartedness on grave matters.
Corneille infuses a calm but witty expression in his subject’s face. An unusual demeanor, probably accompanied by Saint-Gelais ironical observation of the contemporary subjects he disliked and wished to break free from. Corneille also seems to have focused on the ethical representation of a literary genius of the French Renaissance by presenting him in a typical conventional European literary dress code, the honorary hat and high-collared coat. If analyzed at a glance, it may be concluded that Corneille justified his portrait of Saint-Gelais in accordance with the real outlook of the subject, which was in vogue amongst the contemporary literary and artistic personalities.