


市场营销大师彼得·德鲁克(Peter Drucker)继续前进,在营销概念中增加了一个全新的维度。据他介绍,营销不仅仅是一个商业过程。他认为营销更多的是一种组织管理的哲学,它是围绕顾客导向的理念而建立的。在这方面,顾客导向可以被定义为营销过程的关键要素。根据哪个客户的需求,要求或要求应该成为组织的组织政策的中心主题,这个组织的策略是关注于销售任何产品或服务。客户导向主要可以定义为营销理念的核心。为了实现营销观念,营销管理作为一套技术和原则被使用。可以说,组织中的营销既可以是功能性的,也可以是哲学性的(Hackley,2013)。这就是为什么营销作为一个过程不仅仅是一个业务过程,它是一个思想,实践或哲学,组织可以从客户的角度来设置他们的业务战略。营销过程应该包括整个企业而不是任何特定的部门。

因此,与市场营销有关的一些核心概念是创造需求或需求,产品或服务的市场,发生的交换或交易,或提供的产品构成营销概念(Leiss,2013)。为了实施营销概念,传统上使用营销组合(价格,地点,促销和产品)或STP(细分,定位和定位)等技术。营销策划的概念可以通过分析 – 计划 – 实施 – 控制的顺序来执行。


Marketing guru Peter Drucker further went ahead and added a completely new dimension in the concept of marketing. According to him, marketing is much more beyond just being a business process. He believed that marketing is more of a philosophy of organisational management, which is built around idea of customer orientation. In this regard customer orientation can be defined as a critical element of marketing process. It is an idea according to which customer needs, wants or requirements should be central theme of the organisational policy of the organisation which is focusing on selling any product or service. Customer orientation mainly can be defined as the heart of the marketing concept. In order to implement marketing concept in reality, marketing management as a set of technique and principle is used. It can be said that marketing in an organisation can be assumed in both functional as well as philosophical form (Hackley, 2013). That is why, marketing as a process is much more beyond just being a business process, it is a thought, practice or philosophy through which organisation can setup their business strategy from customer’s point of view. Process of marketing should encompass entire enterprise rather than any specific department.

Thus, some of the core concepts related to marketing are, creation of need want or demand, markets for the product or service, exchange or transactions which takes place or for that matter products which are offered constitutes the marketing concepts (Leiss, 2013). In order to implement the marketing concept traditionally techniques such as marketing mix (Price, Place, Promotion, and Product), or STP (Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning) is used. Concept of marketing planning can be executed through sequence of analysis-planning-implementation-control.