


我的品牌战略将制定这样一种方式,它铺平了道路,一个成功的品牌与更多的人吸引到我的品牌的发展。我品牌的战略目标是通过我的定制设计服务确保每个客户满意。发展品牌也需要抓住更多的人关注它。通过这种方式,品牌能够突出了世界上其他类似的品牌设计师。这是一个艰难的任务,创造一个知名度的品牌时,有更多的喉咙竞争的艺术和设计领域。在这样的情况下创建品牌形象将是困难的,只有通过使独特和独特的功能,在摄影和插图,所以它会看起来不同于其他品牌。结合这方面的品牌战略,我的品牌可以变得更受欢迎和良好的品牌战略,可以实现在这方面看。一些元素,将是我的品牌的独特功能将给予一个尖锐的和有吸引力的颜色的设计,必须醒目和令人印象深刻。另外,字体的设计规格将易于阅读和理解所有的游客,所以不会有任何疑惑,每个设计细节的人。因此,品牌形象将增加,它会达到一个更大的人,谁又会被吸引到我的个人品牌(凯勒,Kevin Lane,2001)。


促销是品牌与顾客之间的重要连接。一个有效的促销将有助于吸引更多的客户品牌。通过促销活动的方式,客户将获得更多关于品牌的细节以及设计的具体特点。然而,促销活动开支的主要部分消费。但一个有效的促销策略将导致更多的成功,在品牌知名度。通过品牌推广,品牌形象将得到改善。我决定的促销方法和策略的基础上的几个因素,如类型的客户是谁的品牌是唯一的,区域的位置,客户的需求和喜好等。作为促销活动的一部分,我选择了像USB、伞、杯子等日常用品。选择这些项目的主要目的是,他们将是有益的客户在他们的日常生活,因此,如果这些分布给他们,客户会更高兴获得这样有用的项目,并会得到更多的品牌吸引。这些项目可以分布随着设计销售赠品或礼品(jothi放心,P. Sri,M. Neelamalar,和R. Shakthi Prasad,2011)。


A strategy for my brand would be formulated in such a way that it pave way to the development of a successful brand with more people attracted to my brand. The strategic goal of my brand is to ensure that each customer is satisfied through my customized designing services. It is also essential to develop the brand in a way that will grab more people attention to it. By this approach, the brand will be able to outstand among other similar brands by other designers across the world. It is a tough task to create a visibility of the brand when there are more cut throat competition in the arena of art and designs. Creating a brand image in such a situation will e difficult and can be possible only through enabling unique and distinct features in the photography and illustrations, so that it will look differently from other brands. Incorporating this aspect in the brand strategy, my brand can be made more popular and a good brand strategy can be implemented looking in to this aspects. Some of the elements that will be the unique features of my brand would be give a sharp and attractive color to the designs, that has to be eye catching and impressive. Also, the fonts and specifications of the designs will be easily readable and understanding to all the visitors, so that there will be no confusions about each design and its details for the people. Thereby, the brand image will increase and it will reach to a larger number of people, who will in turn get attracted to my personal brand(Keller, Kevin Lane, 2001).

Promotional Items Chosen

Promotion is a vital connection between the brand and the customers. An effective promotion will help to attract more customers to the brand. Through the way of promotional activities, the customers will get more details regarding the brand as well as the specific features of the designs. However, promotional activities consume a major part of the expenses. But an effective promotional strategy will lead to more success in the brand visibility. By promotion of the brand , brand image will be improved. I decide the promotional methods and strategies based on several factors like type of the customers to whom the brand is sole, the area of locations, customer needs and preferences and so on. As a part of the promotional activities, I chose things like USB, Umbrella, Cup and other daily supplies. The main objective of choosing these items is that they will be useful for the customers in their day to day life and hence if these are distributed to them, the customers will be happier in getting such useful items and will get more attracted towards the brand. These items can be distributed as freebies or assured gifts along with the sale of designs (Jothi, P. Sri, M. Neelamalar, and R. Shakthi Prasad, 2011).