



西澳大利亚鲨鱼捕杀是最常见的一个术语是听到世界各地,部分因为人们不理解这个政策已由澳大利亚政府已强调,实现如果海滩附近发现鲨鱼,它将被捕获并死亡,滚筒线表示例用作鱼饵。这项政策是在2014年实施的,考虑到澳大利亚游泳者和冲浪者的“安全”,从2010年到2013年,澳大利亚西海岸发生了7起死亡事件。使用鼓线作为诱饵,以及以这种方式捕杀鲨鱼立刻遭到了许多组织的反对,并引发了全国性的抗议。“海洋守护者协会、国际人道协会、澳大利亚动物保护协会、澳大利亚海洋保护协会、澳大利亚绿色和平组织、动物公正党和冲浪骑士基金会”是少数几个强烈反对这项政策的组织(Lago, 2009)。


Is culling of shark actually moral panicking?Moral panicking refers to a situation where the mass majority of the people feel threatened by something which might be a concept of ‘evil’ or something in the same context is taken to be a life threatening situation. Earlier women were burnt alive because they were thought to be witches. That was moral panicking. The current situation, in Western Australia where sharks are being killed in numbers in a way which is disturbing their habitat completely, wouldbe an example of panic attack too? Clearly a man of common prudence would not call this mass killing of sharks a moral panic. This is not what people do when there are sharks present in the nearby water bodies. Sharks are not equivalent to the ‘evil’ people are talking about and the mass destruction of this habitat and the species cannot be justified in the name of moral panic. And there are several reasons, justifications and facts which support the above said.

Western Australian shark cull is one of the most common terms which is being heard all over the world, partially because people don’t understand this policy which has been implemented by the Australian government which has emphasized that if sharks are found near the beaches, it will be captured and killed and the drum lines in the said cases are used as baits. This policy was implemented in 2014 keeping in mind the ‘safety’ of the swimmers and surfers of Australia as seven deaths were noticed from 2010 to 2013 in on the western coastline of Australia. The use of drum lines for baits, and the killing of sharks in this manner immediately garnered opposition from many organizations and there was a national protest as well. ‘Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, Humane Society International, Animals Australia, Australian Marine Conservation Society, Greenpeace Australia, Animal Justice Party and Surf rider Foundation’ are few of the organizations which heavily opposed this policy (Lago, 2009).