


1.终生学习: – 通过在员工中灌输正确的技能,并给予他们表演和发展的机会,公司在员工体系中培育终身学习。这在处理不断变化的环境方面也很重要;员工会热衷于学习新东西。终身学习还有助于鼓励员工更加独立,并且愿意采用他们的方法(Singh,2011)。
2.不容易对抗: – 与员工沟通并了解他们对公司需求和期望的公司会自动减少任何形式的误解和对抗的可能性(Singh,2011)。培训计划的设计应该以最大限度地使员工受益的方式进行,因为培训计划使他们有机会开放并自信地表达对任何问题的看法。在员工几乎没有自由且没有太大压力的培训环节中,工作压力或任何形式的冲突也可以得到解决(Singh,2011)。培训研讨会和会议可以让员工放松,也可以清楚地讨论他们的不安全感。这有助于有效管理,并且减轻工作场所的压力。

3.提高生产力: – 自然培训计划预计会提高员工的绩效,从而自动提高公司的生产力。这些培训课程不仅会增加员工的信心,还会帮助他们以更好的方式了解工作(Saks&Burke,2012)。
4.更好地理解期望: – 培训和发展计划也有助于公司理解员工的故事。他们也对公司有些期待,这些期望很多时候都未被注意到(Saks&Burke,2012)。然而,员工以更好的方式开放和了解公司的有效培训计划也会给出他们的意见和他们对业务的期望(Saks&Burke,2012)。


1.Learning for lifelong: -by inculcating right skills in the staff and then giving them opportunity to perform and develop, company breed a lifelong learning in the system of employees. This is also important in term of dealing with the constant changing environment; employees will be enthusiastic to learn something new. Lifelong learning will also help in encouraging the employees to be more independent and forthcoming in their approach (Singh, 2011).
2.Less chances of confrontation: – a company which communicate with employees and understand their needs and expectation from the company automatically lessen the chances of any kind misunderstanding and confrontation (Singh, 2011). Training program should be designed in a way which benefits the employee to the maximum, since it gives them a chance to open up and voice their opinion about any matter confidently. Also workplace stress or any kind of conflicts can also be resolved in the training session where the employees are little free and not under much stress(Singh, 2011). The training workshops and session allows the employees to relax and also discuss their insecurities clearly. This helps in effective management and also less stress at workplace.

3.Enhanced productivity: -naturally training program is expected enhance the performance of the employees which automatically leads to enhanced productivity of the company. These training sessions will not only increase the confidence of the employees but it will also help them in understanding the work in a much better way (Saks& Burke, 2012).
4.Better understanding of the expectations: – training and development program also help the company in understanding the employee’s side of story. They also have some expectations from the company which many times go unnoticed(Saks& Burke, 2012). However effective training program where employee will open up and understand the company in a much better way will also give their opinion and what do they expect from the business (Saks& Burke, 2012).