
英国商业论文代写-企业会计活动的会计软件。Melton Estate目前一直在使用Xero,这是一款用于运行企业会计活动的会计软件。企业开始使用Xero作为他们的会计软件。Xero是一个基于云计算的软件包,用户不能在其硬件上安装它。相反,可以通过internet访问和使用软件。同样,客户的数据也不考虑存储在用户的硬件中,而是通过web浏览器通过internet提供其可访问性。本文的目的是对客户关系管理和客户关系管理对梅尔顿房地产公司业务的意义有一个详细的了解。为案例研究提供结论和建议要点。

Melton Estate is a small size company of wine situated in the wine region of Canterbury on the South Island of New Zealand. The company has ownership of an event venue, restaurant, and vineyard at an area closer to the city of Christchurch. By their efforts to position the business of wine celebration, Melton Estate has gained the ability of selling wines at 95 per cent directly to the groups of customers. The value of sales is made primarily to the customer groups by the cellar door and restaurant. Customers are also provided with the ability of making direct purchases of wine through the internet from Melton Estate.

First, CPA is crucial for uncovering opportunities for targeted management of cost and programs of profit improvement. CPA, under this particular application helps in revealing the links between resource consumption and activities. Therefore, there is direct pointing towards the opportunities of profit making. CPA is crucial in providing the base for well- informed decisions of pricing, plans of bonus, and discounted offers for the customers (Al-Mudimigh, 2009d). Within the similar context, this assists in the improvement of decision making with respect to discounts. In the lack of intricate knowledge regarding the costs specific to the customers, more often, discounts are set on the basis of volume of sales. Analysing the profitability of customer reveals results to revise current structures of discounting for the improvement of profitability. CPA provides scope regarding the chances of targeting strategies and segmentation as per profitability profiles and cost. The process of implementation begins with the scrutiny in listing the present base of customers. Large databases of customer consist of details regarding the customer who do not appear to be having any relationship with the business (Byrnes, 2014). The process of implementation focuses on dealing to identify active customer base in the respective database for assuring the allocation of costs to the active customer base only. Active customers can be considered as the one having placement of a minimum of one order while specifically considering the same. In the ultimate sense, there must be assignment of each cost to the activities, and for each and every activity, there must be identification of appropriate drivers in the cost. There will not be an inclusion of costs of customer relationship, rebates and discounts in the sales revenue earned by the customers (Chen et al., 2006). Considering the activities of sales, there must be collection of data as per each and every cost of the activities of sales. There will be determination of the level of detail by practical considerations and data availability. The figures of profitability may provide an indication that levels of service for specific customer segments or customers are to be reduced enlightened by the present revenues and costs. While there is profitability borne by other customers, it is highly justified to additionally spend on the retention of customer (Chen et al., 2008). Changes taking place in strategies company come along with changes taking place in the objectives, along with changes taking place in the rewards systems and performance evaluation systems. Embedment of CPA in the routine activities of marketing, accounting and sales will be necessitating changes involved in procedures, in systems and in responsibilities.

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