



As Shangri La began its advances towards expanding the operations of the company within Asia, there was a realization among the upper echelons that there were many more players in the market who had moved from their home grounds of Europe and America to look at the emerging economy of Asia which for them at that particular point in time was reflective of a boom time. The developed world had suffered the set back of the irreversible meltdowns. They had had two major close shaves not even two decades apart. They were all a virulent competitive batch straggling to get a foot hold in the lucrative eastern markets (Cooper, 2005). The hospitality industry was most aggressively pursuing the clientele of the Asian world. Among the severest challenges posed by them and experienced by the Shangri La world of hospitality were the ironically some of their own policies and programmes. The salary structure and the cultural depth of loyalty in the face of all odds faced a severe challenge at the hands of the well lined purse strings of the newer establishments. The CEO and management of the Shangri La were caught virtually like sitting ducks. The worst of the challenges poised to engulf their hard earned and established operations were