




In the recent times, it has been observed that the official poverty rate in Indonesia has decreased rapidly after 2000. From 24 % in 1999, it has fall to 12 % in 2012. But, in the present times Indonesia is a nation where inequality is rising at the fastest rate in the entire East Asian Region. The gin coefficient has rose from 0.32 in 1999 to 0.41 in 2012. It is important to reduce the inequality in this area. The distribution of income in this area is very unequal. Though, there has been an impact of the Asian Financial Crises in Indonesian economy but after 2003 the rich people in Indonesia has been observing a high rise in the growth of their incomes and the consumptions. In addition to this, there are various regional disparities that are still persistent which may further contribute to the inequality in the nation. Java is the part of Indonesia which lags in comparison to other parts of the country. It has been found that the consumption of growth in the poor people in Indonesia is very low. This has proved to be one of the main reasons for the inequality in Indonesia which may further have an impact on the social and political cohesion in the nation.

The thing which is most surprising is that in spite of the strong economic growth and reduction of poverty in many areas in Indonesia is not being enjoyed by a large number of people. Also, the rise in inequality has led to the increase in crime and erosion of the social capital. Also, because of the growth of inequality, there may be an effect on the political and social cohesion on a number of issues. In order to reduce the inequality it is important to have the holistic strategy through which the poor people can get equal rights and the productivity of the poor can be enhanced. And also by the implementation of the social protection programs which would help to shield the poor people from economic impacts. The mitigation of the inequality has been increased because of the political and social cohesion in a number of policy issues. Besides, the lower growth of consumption is also leading to the inequality. In order to mitigate the same, the World Bank is working with the Indonesian government so as to do the analysis of the trends which are related to the inequality.