


本研究旨在考察总部位于英国的Anglian Water公司所采取的战略方向。公司为英国东部和哈特尔浦地区的600多万户家庭和客户提供水和水回收服务。由于英国人口增长了20%,人们对水的需求大大增加。公司负责每天提供12亿升的水(Anglian water, 2015)。由于水资源需求的不断增长和人口的不断增长,公司已经采取了战略方向。进行这项研究的原因是确定影响组织采取战略管理步骤的压力(Lowth, Prowle, and Zhang, 2010)。本研究以盎格鲁水为例,采取战略管理措施,满足人民日益增长的用水需求。

该公司的目标是分析未来25年的情况,从而制定计划,使他们具备为消费者提供卓越服务的能力。他们的投资包括高质量的饮用水,清洁的河水和工业泄漏管理。本研究将趋向于达到以下研究目的。确定影响安联水务的压力,采取战略管理措施。确定所采取的步骤。为安联水提供建议。本研究所采用的研究方法将是定性的。研究人员将采用主要和次要的方法来收集数据。对于主要的研究方法,研究者需要对Anglian Water的员工进行调查,以确定他们所承受的压力。此外,研究的次要方法应包括参考已发表的文献综述。


This study aims at examining the strategic direction taken by Anglian Water which is an organisation based in UK. The company is engaged in supply of water and water recycling services to more than six million domestic and customers in east of England and Hartlepool. Since the population in UK has grown by 20% so the water needs of the people have significantly increased to a great extent. The company is accountable to provide 1.2 billion liters of water every day (Anglian Water, 2015). Due to the increasing demand of water and rising population, the company has taken a strategic direction. The reason to undertake this research is to determine the pressures that influence an organization to take strategic management steps (Lowth, Prowle, and Zhang, 2010). In this study, the case of Anglian Water is taken, which has taken strategic management steps to meet the growing water needs of the people.

The company has aimed at analyzing the situation of 25 years ahead and hence prepared plans to equip them to provide exceptional services to consumers. Their investment has included high-quality drinking water, clean river water and leakage management in industries.This research study will tend to achieve below mentioned research aims.To determine the pressures which have influenced Anglian Water to take strategic management steps.To determine the steps undertaken.To provide recommendations to Anglian Water.The research approach to be used for this particular study will be qualitative. The researcher will be adopting both primary and secondary ways to gather data. As far as primary methods are concerned, the researcher shall be carrying out a survey among the employees of Anglian Water to determine the pressures on them. Also, the secondary methods for the research shall include referring published reviews of literatures.