


针对儿童早期开发项目对生活在发展中国家和恶劣环境中的儿童的优势进行了各种纵向研究(Walker et al . 2005)。玻利维亚还开展了一项大规模的以家庭为基础的儿童早期发展和营养规划,其中的干预措施被应用于为儿童提供日托、教育服务、营养以及更多帮助这些儿童成长和养育的活动。在大多数情况下,还向妇女提供儿童发展培训,以便使她们得到足够的培训。由于儿童早期开发项目的传播意义以及它们在各个国家的出现,探索它们是否真正提供了它们被物化的目的就变得非常有趣。调查的目的在于探讨在玻利维亚,儿童早期发展方案和此类干预措施是否有助于改善儿童的生活和福利结果。接受调查的主要参与者是玻利维亚阿尔托的EDC非政府组织项目。本项目是针对幼儿母亲和孕妇的营养知识干预项目。

这项审查的结果可以寻求帮助改进以幼儿为基础的卫生政策。对于年幼的儿童来说,获得支持是至关重要的,因为他们由于贫困问题而处于发展不足的更高风险中(Almond et al, 2011)。在玻利维亚的背景下,这项研究将有助于提供一种媒介,探索这些儿童早期开发项目中存在的差距以及可以提出的变化。例如,可以这样描述,对单一健康决定因素的关注应该放在一边,而不是将重点放在与多层次影响有关的干预的社会和行为因素上。这些可能包括个人、人际关系、机构基础、社区基础和政策层面。此外,玻利维亚的孕妇大多来自低收入群体,在该国,贫穷的蔓延是广泛和深刻的。这些母亲没有任何关于她们身体正在经历的变化以及这些变化如何影响母亲的信息。玻利维亚的这一计划似乎意义重大。通过这次回顾,其意义将更加突出。


Various longitudinal researches have been conducted over the advantages of ECD programs for those kids that live in developing nations and poor environments (Walker et al 2005). A large scale home based early childhood development and programs for nutrition have been undertaken by Bolivia as well, wherein the intervention is applied to provide day care, educational services for children, nutrition and much more to help these children grow and foster. Child development training is also given to women in most cases in order to make them trained enough. Due to the spreading significance of ECD programs and their emergence in various nations, it becomes intriguing to explore whether they actually offer what they are objectified for. The investigation lies in exploring whether programs for early childhood development and such interventions lead towards improving children life and well-being outcomes in the context of Bolivia. The key participants under investigation are the NGO program for EDC in Bolivian El Alto. This program is a nutritional knowledge intervention program for young children’s mothers and the pregnant mothers.

The results from this review can seek to help the improvement of young children based health policies. It is of the utmost importance for the young children to receive support as they are at higher risk of inadequate development due to the issue of poverty (Almond et al, 2011). In Bolivian context, the study will help in providing a medium that explores the gap present in these ECD programs along with the changes that can be brought forward. For example, it can be depicted that the focus on single health determinants should be side-lined instead focus should be given on social and behaviour factors for intervention that link with influence from multiple levels. These might be inclusive of individuals, interpersonal, institution based, community based and levels of policy. Furthermore, pregnant mothers in Bolivia are mostly from low income groups and in the nation the spread of poverty is wide and deep. These mothers are not having any information on what changes their body is going through and how the changes influence mothers. Such a program from Bolivia appears to be significant. Through this review, its significance will get more prominent in nature.