

墨西哥的Sierra Gorda遗址是一个生物圈保护区,因为里面生活着大量的高质量和数量的物种。这里是30多种鸟类、6种猫科动物和黑熊的家园,它们在这一地区繁衍生息。这里遍布着崎岖的山脉、郁郁葱葱的山谷和垂直的洞穴。这些都形成了一种罕见的存在,通常在这个地区繁荣发展的物种将在内部受到保护。该地区有超过10万人,分布在700个社区,他们的唯一生计是伐木,他们赖以生存和进步(Pineda & Brebbia, 2012)。困境在这种情况下是地区内的物种是重要的保护该地区生活社区繁荣的森林地区生存是平衡整个地区的保护,不允许一个完整的滥用该地区商业利益(Perez-Arce,2006)。该地区应该受到保护,因为它对维持城市和国家的气候至关重要,因为它确实会影响降雨,以及完全依赖该地区本身的各种食物和物种。



The Sierra Gorda site in Mexico is a biosphere reserve due to the extensive quality and number of species living inside. The site is home to more than 30 species of birds, six feline species, and black bears species who thrive on the region, and the site is full of rugged mountains, lush valleys, and vertical caves. These all form a rare presence and the species in general who thrive on this region are to be protected inside. There are more than 100,000 people spread across 700 communities who live in the region whose sole livelihood is the wood-cutting from which they survive and progress(Pineda & Brebbia, 2012).The dilemmas in this case is that the species inside the region which are important for the protection of the region and the living communities who thrive on the forest region for their survival is to be balanced with the protection of the entire region and not allow a complete misuse of the region for commercial interests(Perez-Arce, 2006). The region is to be protected because it is essential for maintaining the climate of the city and the country as it does impact the rainfalls, and the various food and species that are solely dependent on the region itself.

The communities living are also the local ones whose forefathers were the original settlers and it is an unethical act to ask them to vacate the region and live elsewhere. Thus, the problem is dual where a suitable decision is to be taken to provide justice to both the requirements of the dilemma, such that it does not become a biased decision. The primary decision which is possible here is to allow certain wood cutting but then ask the local community to keep on planting new plants which will sustain the oxygen level and not deplete the good quality of air. On the other hand, the protection of areas must be handed over to the local people in addition and association with the forest authorities and conservationists who will take care of the region by disallowing any activity which is environmentally harming and sows the seed of discomfort for the region’s natural subsistence. The decision making model used is rational, since the model provides a clear description of the dilemma, clear description of the problems, and a suitable justified decision for both which does not harm anyone or weighs the long term and short term costs and benefits of the decision.