

1。工作组和冲突之间的关系由哥伦比亚大学的研究人员描述(卡伦,et al.,2003),说明工作组组动力学参与但没有有效的管理这些工作组和团队的作品,冲突是必然存在的(卡伦,et al.,2003)。

2。这里有一个例子可以援引苹果公司是领先的技术公司,尽管竞争如此激烈(andisani之间,2008)。在这个全球化的世界,这个规定是为了避免文化冲突,团队和工作组制定了不同的背景和文化(aSAH,et al.,2012)。相反,苹果已经吸取的文化视野中,其成员的思想,它是专注于一个共同的目标(andisani重要,2008)。当团队和工作组在苹果公司中发生冲突时,将执行一个谈判过程,例如仲裁或调解,这两个都是第三方谈判模式来管理冲突。


谈判解决冲突阶段不仅对组织至关重要,而且对团队或团队中的个别成员也是必不可少的。这一数字清楚地表明,冲突可分为5个阶段。然而,有冲突本身五个阶段(鲣鱼,et al.,2002)。第一阶段是潜伏的阶段,人们可以在冲突中不知道自己是什么。


1.The relationship between work group and conflict as described by the researchers of Columbian University (Carron, et al., 2003), stated that work groups have group dynamics involved in them but without effective management of these work groups and team works, conflict is bound to exist (Carron, et al., 2003).

2.An example here can be quoted of Apple Inc. which is a leader in among technology companies even though the competitive is so fierce (Andisani, 2008).  In this globalized world, the requirement is to avoid cultural clash because teams and work groups are formulated of diverse backgrounds and cultures (Asah, et al., 2012). Apple on the contrary has managed to imbibe the cultural perspective in the minds of its members that it is important to focus on a shared goal (Andisani, 2008). When teams and work groups conflict with each other at Apple, a negotiation process is implemented such as arbitration or mediation which are both third party models of negotiation to manage conflict.

  1. Negotiation from the perspective of Thibaut (1975) and Walker (1975) paradigm, can be best done by adopting mediation and arbitration as third party processes of Negotiation (Van Paassen, 2011b).

Conflict Resolution stages by negotiation are not only essential for an organization but also for individual members in a team or a group. The figure clearly illustrates that there are 5 stages by which conflict can be resolved. However, there are five stages of conflict itself (Bonito, et al., 2002). The first stage is the latent stage where people can be under conflict without knowing that they are.