

We as humans are very anxious animals. If we transcend traditional gender boundaries, we believe we will be judged ruthlessly. It starts with our lives, and we learn how to do gender. When girls are young, their parents teach them improvisation far more than little boys. Little boys are taught to be tough and manly. When parents start acting like a big boy or a big girl, what they mean is that they are just acting appropriately. In the process, girls and boys begin to see what their own behavior is and how it fits in with the gender. A good example is when a man pays a bill on a date. This is “doing gender” (plante, 2010).

Being gender leads to social dissatisfaction. If men are women and women are timid, it will lead to the difference of rank and power! We are all gender and we all take responsibility for our actions, miller. Miller is a liar and a fire-eater in the circus. As a woman, she has spent most of her life as a woman with a beard, which is also a big controversy. She challenges the normative status quo of society beyond traditional gender boundaries. Traditional methods of marriage and divorce are being challenged because of gay marriage. This is a big problem and miller is also held accountable for it in other matters (plante, 2010).
