



The cons of using the balanced score card approach are that it can prove to be a time consuming tool. Authors have clearly mentioned any organization regardless of its size and structure can attain organizational synergies if they apply the core principles of balanced scorecard in an effective and proper manner. Thus, this strategic tool requires thorough understanding of the process with proper understanding of the theory behind the approach. Many organization and managers have supported the use of the balanced scorecard approach for creating the synergies, even the authors have taken a lots of examples from the corporate world, such as IBM, US Army, Hilton, Citizens Schools, Media General, and so on that have aligned their management process and other support systems to the strategy. However, some employees can resist the implementation specifically when employees have to go through some rigorous training or invest the time in understanding and learning about the balanced scorecard approach and its subsequent use and application in their work routine (Kammerer, 2013)