


管理冲突是管理者固有的许多角色之一(西澳大利亚政府,2013)。工作场所将不同道德和教育背景的人聚集在一起,这在思维和分析上产生了重大变化。这种意识形态的差异是职场冲突的始发者(Barbuto & Xu, 2006)。不幸的是,工作场所的冲突会导致生产力的下降。冲突可以管理和涉及不同的方式,即避免、完成、适应、妥协和合作(Thomas, 1992)。每一种冲突管理方式都取决于参与冲突的人、解决或调解冲突的人以及围绕冲突的环境(Rensis & Likert, 1976)。这五种处理冲突的方法可以正确地说是果断和合作的结合(Thomas, 1992)。领导者需要具备基础心理学的技能,才能理解冲突背后的原因,从而友好地解决冲突(Tjosvold & Tjosvold, 1995),同时利用冲突在组织中引发急需的变革(Thomas, 1992)。

每个人都是不同的,需要不同的动机(Todd, 2005)。马斯洛的需求层次理论以及其他一些动机理论都是基于个人感知来对需求进行分类的。大多数人的工作需要被重视,他们往往能很好地应对挑战。有些人在压力下工作,有些人则崩溃了。一个有效的领导者可以评估个人的需要,并使用不同的方法来激励不同的个人(Barbuto & Xu, 2006)。更进一步说,一个好的领导者可以利用冲突来达到他的优势,而不是制造摩擦,而是发起变革,同时努力实现同事之间的和谐关系。现代商业环境是以绩效为基础的。员工被给予明确的绩效目标,如果在规定的时间内完成,就会得到奖励。


Managing conflict is one among the many roles that is intrinsic to be a manager (Government of Western Australia, 2013). Workplaces bring together people from different ethical and educational backgrounds, which creates a significant change in thinking and analyzing. This difference in ideologies is the initiator of workplace conflicts (Barbuto & Xu, 2006). Unfortunately, workplace conflicts lead to reduction in productivity. Conflict can be managed and involve different ways, viz., avoiding, completing, accommodating, compromising and collaborating (Thomas, 1992). Each conflict management style would depend on the persons involved in the conflict, the person resolving or mediating the conflict as well as the circumstances surrounding the conflict (Rensis & Likert, 1976).These five means of managing conflict can be rightfully said to be a combination of assertiveness and cooperativeness (Thomas, 1992). Leaders need to be skilled in basic psychology to understand the reason behind the conflict and thus resolve it amicably (Tjosvold & Tjosvold, 1995) while simultaneously using this conflict to initiate much needed changes in the organization (Thomas, 1992).

Each individual is different and needs to be motivated differently (Todd, 2005). Maslow’s need hierarchy theory as well as several other motivational theories speak of the classification of needs based on individual perceptions.Most people need to be valued for their work and tend to respond well to challenges. Some work under pressure while others crumble. An effective leader can evaluate the individual’s need and use different approaches to motivate different individuals (Barbuto & Xu, 2006). Taking this a step further, a good leader can use conflict to his advantage, not to create friction, but to initiate change, while working towards achievinga harmonious relationship between co-workers. The modern day business environment is performance based. Employees are given clear performance goals, which are rewarded when achieved in the said time frame.