



路透社(2016)已经阐明了投资者对这一有利可图的产品的兴趣。据观察,在未来10年内,市场可能会达到500亿美元以上。在这个市场中,利润的大范围是投资者、联邦机构和其他企业主迫使政府确认合法化的主要原因。据路透社报道,对市场的吸引力使政府有机会考虑这个问题并作出决定。然而,立法者们已经尽力拖延这一过程,因为零售大麻商店可能对用户有害。唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)的总统任期尚未宣布关于这个问题的决定,但有一点是清楚的。对于美国的贸易和商业部门来说,大麻必须合法化,而特朗普如果想要颠覆这个国家,他可能也会同意。


Marijuana legalization has been on news since the last few years. The reason is that it can bring huge investments to the country and this can add to GDP. States have voted in support of legalization and over 9 states have already been declared the legalization. Evins (2014) has predicted that legalizing marijuana can bring in umpteen issues as it is an addictive product and government has invested in dead diction programs to bring down the addiction towards this product. This legalization can only cause brain damages and enhance the healthcare costs to overcome ill effects of cannabis. This is known by the government but the decision, according to experts, is unhealthy and people are not aware of cost benefit decision making process.


Reuters (2016) has thrown light on the interests of investors towards this profitable product. It is observed that the market might reach more than $50 billion within upcoming decade. The large scope for profits in this market is the primary reason for investors, federal agencies and other business owners to force government to confirm legalization. According to Reuters, the attraction towards market has given a chance for the government to think of this subject and take a decision. The lawmakers, however, have tried their best to delay the process as retail marijuana stores can be harmful to users. The presidency of Donald Trump is yet to announce the decision on this subject but one thing is clear. For the trade and business sector to boom in United States, cannabis has to be legalized and Trump might certainly consent to the same if his notion is to uplift the country.