


故事驱动的工具包对儿童来说是非常棒的创新。 1999年,乐高集团首次在星球大战中推出玩具。星球大战吸引了很多孩子,因为这是基于电影的故事。到2004年,乐高集团在美国市场销售了超过41%的星球大战整体玩具。这些游戏受欢迎的原因是,这些玩具是基于非常受欢迎的电影,它对儿童造成了很大的影响。因此,孩子们对星战玩具更感兴趣。乐高集团在未来十年延长了对星球大战的许可,因为它对乐高集团来说非常有利。星球大战玩具在孩子们中间创造了不同程度的热情和灵感。

1997年,乐高集团推出了第一款品牌视频游戏,该游戏与Mindscape合作。这款游戏在人们中非常流行,销量达700万份,鼓励乐高集团开发数字星球大战游戏。 1997年至2009年期间,“星球大战”售出6000多万册;然而,星战游戏存在问题。这些对于教育目的来说并不好,因为在玩了半小时的星战之后,孩子们会把它当成自己的榜样。


Story Driven Kit
Story driven kits are really great innovation for the children. In 1999, The Lego group first introduced the toys on Star Wars. Star Wars attracted the children a lot as this was based on the story of a movie. By 2004, The Lego group sold more than 41% of the overall toys of Star Wars in the U.S market. The reason behind the popularity of these games was that, these toys were based on very popular movie which had created a great impact on children. Thus, the children were more attracted towards the Star War Toys. The Lego group extended their license for the Star Wars for next ten years as it was very much profitable for The Lego group. The Star War toys created a different level of enthusiasm and inspiration among the children.

Other Toys
The Lego group developed a theme park in 1968 with the opening of Lego Land Theme Park. The Lego Land Theme Park was then extended to Windsor, England in 1996, and Carlsbad in California in 1999. These parks were full of rides for children of all age.
In 1997, The Lego group had launched its first branded video game, which was in partnership with the Mindscape. The game was very popular among the people and sold 7 million copies, which encouraged the Lego group to develop the digital Star War games. More than 60 million copies were sold of the Star Wars among 1997 to 2009; however, there was a problem with the Star War games. These were not good for the educational purposes as after playing the Star War for half hour children would make it their role model.
The “intelligent brick” was the game first produced in 1998 and was integrated for computer technology. It was the digitalization of the game, free form building sets. The game was awarded with the bestselling in the history of The Lego group.