


在2003年,超过1200次的自杀企图成功了,这个数字引起了世界上许多人的注意(Fussell & Louie, 2008)。从马林县验尸官那里得到的报告显示,从1996年到2007年,超过210人从桥的顶部跳下自杀。人们说从桥上掉下来是暴力和残忍的。从桥上掉下来的人会立即死亡,但很少有人会在桥下的水中降落,他们不会立刻死亡,但他们会受伤,导致死亡。


I had surveyed that more than 1,200 people had traveled to take their own lives on this location since the bridge was opened. I had found that the rates of suicides are increasing day by day and the officials are struggling to deal with the situation. If an individual jump from the bridge, then it goes approximately 265 feet down to the ground. It takes less than four seconds for an individual to go into the water below at a speed of 76mph. Since the bridge has opened, it has become one of the most popular jumping sites for the people who want to commit suicide.

In the year 2003, more than 1,200 suicide attempts were successful, and the figure captured the attention of many people in the world(Fussell & Louie, 2008). It was collected in the form of reports from Marin county coroner which shows that more than 210 people committed suicide from 1996 to 2007 by jumping from the top of the bridge. People say that the fall from the bridge is violent and brutal. The fall from the bridge leads to immediate death, but few of them land in the water below the bridge in such a way that they do not die instantly, but they get injured which makes to die.