
多样性被认为是属于不同地方,具有不同特点的人。它指的是由于年龄、种族背景、文化、出身和种族而不同的人(Shin, Kim, Lee and Bian, 2012)。但工作场所的多样性是一个完全不同的概念,对管理者和公司管理层构成了不同的挑战。接下来有关毕业论文代写-工作场所的多样性管理分析如下:

Age: The employee discrimination is applied to the employee when either they are too young or too old for some job profile or he is not given training opportunities and asked to resign due to his age.
Disability: Employee discrimination on the grounds of physical or mental disability. The disabled employees are not given crucial responsibilities at work.
Race: Employee discrimination on the grounds of their race which comprises of colour, nationality and ethnicity.
Sex: Employee discrimination is on direct and indirect basis. In the former, the managers discriminate people on the basis of their sex and in the latter the managers assume that some sort of job can be performed better by men than women.
3) What are human rights?
According to Tomuschat (2014), human rights are the rights that are entitled to the humans regardless of their nationality, sex, ethnicity, origin and religion. All humans are equally entitled to get access to these rights. These are interrelated, interdependent and indivisible. Therefore, these are the basic rights of every individual.
4) What is equal opportunity?
As per Bateman and Snell (2013), equal opportunity means the principle of non-discrimination that lays stress on the opportunities in the areas such as education, employment, benefits at work and other areas that the individuals should have freedom of access.
Part B
1) Management should proactively aim for Diversity when selecting and recruiting staff. How can your diverse workforce be promoted to enhance the company’s image and reputation?
An organization’s success and image are dependent on the effective management of the diversity at the workplace. Therefore, the success and profit ratio is increased when the management of the company handles the diversity issues effectively and broadens their service provision range for the employees at work.
2) What are the benefits of working with a diverse team of people? What skills are required by a manager to effectively lead a diverse workplace?
The benefits of workplace diversity are as follows:
Employees from different backgrounds bring different talents and abilities.
Diverse employees help in providing better customer service in a global context.
There is higher productivity return on investment as company-wide strategies are implemented.
The organizational goals and objectives are met effectively.
The managers should be skilled to manage the diversified workforce. The skills such as implementing good communication skills, resisting the change in a positive manner, implementing diversity policies effectively and diversity management successfully are important (Chrobot-Mason and Aramovich, 2013).

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