

This case is considered very knowledgeable and meaningful research problem. The case talks about how the colonisation of pacific islanders is being done in the history. Earlier the pacific islands were accommodated by the people coming from Southeast Asia. It was inhabited by black people from Melanesia. These pacific islanders then made up a twin-hulled vessel which was very efficient working sea-going vessel. Pacific islanders started acquiring more islands which were present between Melanesia and Polynesia. The case is about how the whole pacific island colonised. The history given above is connected to this spread and expanding of pacific island. The specification as regard to the pacific islanders is being explained in detail above. (Johannesson & Perjons, 1970)
Kind of research I would be doing
I would be doing surveying and analysing research of our key topic so that there is a clear picture of how colonisation of pacific islands took place. Both qualitative and quantitative data analysis will be used to research the case. There will be revealing of the history of pacific islands in a systematic manner and how islanders acquired all the islands under pacific islands. I would also be using action research for researching. (“Historical Background: Colonization of Pacific Islands”, 2017)
Research strategies I would be using
I would firstly conduct a survey for the given case and then analyse the history connected to the colonisation of pacific islands. The island was first migrated by Southeast Asian people who started acquiring and spreading to other islands which eventually lead to creation of pacific island. (Stanley, 2017) I would be surveying the island history and its grounded theory. In order to collect data for the relationship between colonisation and pacific islanders, I would do detailed observation of the minor details, analyse various documents and evidences related to the history of pacific island, focus on the group of islanders, do questionnaires and interview the inhabitants of the island. Firstly, I will analyse the case and find out the relationship so that there is a clear picture of how colonisation of pacific island took place. Secondly, I will collect evidences on the basis of observations and documents related to the history of this island so that I can easily build the relationship between colonisation and pacific islanders. (Stanley, 2017) There is a deep history present for this colonisation of the islands. In this way, a clear picture of the history of colonisation of pacific island would be researched and presented. (Colonial Rule, 2017)

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