

  In the context of both prescription and OTCs there are really specific reasons why some drugs might be abused (Pomazal & Brown, 1977). Some researchers have argued that it is not really the motivation behind drug abuse that needs to be addressed but rather the behavior behind drug abuse. However, the more new branch on drug abuse is focused on the motivation of the individual. Motivation will help understand special causes and conditions which would have let an individual towards drug abuse (DiClemente, 1999; Ferster et al., 1997). Individuals might perform some specific actions according to the Maslow’s theory in order to meet some of their satisfactions. Some form of a motivational understanding is hence required. While there are a wide variety of literature on why it is necessary to understand and address addictions in women, not much of them focus on motivations in women as a very separate issue. As researchers such as Beckham (2007) and Peterson et al (2006) indicates it is necessary for there to be more awareness of the motivational constructs in women that lead to the initiation of the drug addiction.

  The motivations behind drug addictions and abuse need to be identified. The research essay has been conducted on special issues surrounding the abuse of drugs by women. Most research studies on the use or abuse of drugs in the case of women might not specifically target the behavior and complex understanding behind the drug abuse scenario as specific to a woman. More times the scenario is understood as being quite common with that of both the woman and the man. The essay has presented how issues of stress, bad body image, peer pressure, depression and anxiety lead women to make choices with drugs. Women being a more vulnerable part of society when they are presented with prescription drug choices, OTCs and others might end up making a decision thinking it would help them. The addiction is hence motivated as a form of help seeking behavior in such cases.

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