

  The company had no knowledge of the digital trends. They had become very conventional from cutting edge technology. The new management should devise a digital trend analysis and develop products that would cater to the consumers (Spector, and Trachtenberg, 2011). The operating cost of a traditional brick and mortar store is high when compared to the ecommerce stores. Amazon and iTunes have established presence online and are able to make more sales and operate at a lower cost owing to this strategy. This should be the main strategy of the company. The operative method for this strategy would be to devise a more robust internet website.

  They had initially the working knowledge to develop ebook store. They should revamp their existing store in order to make sales of the product. They should develop products similar to that of the Kindle or ipad and sell it to the public.

  The operative word would be to develop a product that would give the consumers something more. They can build on their existing brand image and develop a more functional and efficient product. This would be easily relatable for the consumers.

  Ebook rentals and cheaper offering of the services would help the consumers to prefer the brand. They can provide better recommendation and showcase their vast resources.

  The company can hire online chat advisors for the students to make the right choice in the selection of books (Ucbasaran, et al., 2013).

  Hence more service marketing strategies and product differentiation in accordance with the digital trends of the company need to be developed.

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