
  本篇代写被抓-盲人触觉技术的处理和感知,已经有很多有趣的研究讨论了盲人和通过使用gui过马路的问题。在过去,大多数的研究集中在使用声音和其他非触觉方式的获取策略,例如(Mynatt和Weber 1994;俱乐部队,2010;1995年;Winberg, 2001)。但是,触感和触觉PC访问正在取得进展,目前可访问的形式不止一种。这篇文章的结果表明,盲人客户通过触觉技术可以处理和感知非常复杂的道路。有时,处理真实的虚拟条件似乎比处理更独特的测试情况更简单。我们可以得出这样的结论:对于盲人来说,触觉呈现的表面在虚拟环境中是非常有价值的,但也存在一些缺陷。 有关代写被抓-盲人触觉技术的处理和感知分享给大家阅读如下。

  In the two-section editorial “Automatic visual to tactile interpretation” Way and Barner (1997) portray the rise of a visual-to-tactile interpreter called the TACT-ile Image Creation System (TACTICS). This framework utilizes advanced picture handling technique to mechanically improve photographic pictures to make it conceivable to deliver them productively on swell paper. The Tactics framework deals with huge number of the issues with manual tactile imaging however as it creates a static picture assistance, it can’t be utilized for graphical UI (GUI. This implies that techniques like this can be utilized in combination to different advancements to create an extremely proficient way to help blinds for crossing roads through imaging framework.

  Haptic Access to Graphical User Interfaces

  To sightless and visually impaired people, crossing is seriously limited because of their failure to understand areas. Access to graphical data is necessary in work and social communicated for people who can see. A blind individual frequently accesses the visual data via a procedure including a normal individual who changes over the visual picture into a tactile or verbal shape (Ishikawa, Tsuji & Kurita, 2015). This clearly makes a restriction for any sightless individual who needs access to visual data and it additionally restrains his or her from crossing roads.

  Accessing the graphical data is a major issue with regards to PC access for individuals who are unsighted. All Windows PC frameworks are totally as per the client having the capacity to pick up a review of the framework through visual info. The Windows interface is in reality harder to use than the old content-based framework. In any case, Windows can be alluring for blind individuals because of the numerous PC programs accessible in that setting and the benefit of having the capacity to utilize a matching platform like others.

  One more essential issue related with graphics for individuals who are sightless is that it is usually exceptionally hard to see 3D parts of 2D tactile images. This implies the capacity to impart 3D models that accompany haptic interfaces like the Phantom could be substantially more critical for blind individuals than what 3D designs is for normal individuals.

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