
  在本篇英国代写-交易型领导和变革型领导的管理中,交易型领导和变革型领导在管理和激励理论上是二元对立的。交易理论主要关注于调节正常的操作流。作为一名交易型领导者,我的职责是实施一系列激励措施,并行使纪律权力来激励员工,使他们能够发挥最佳水平。他将鼓励员工获得最佳绩效奖励,并且不强调提高组织在市场竞争地位的战略要求。与交易型领导不同,变革型领导不仅强调日常运作,还注重激励、团队建设和与不同组织层次员工的协作,以实现组织目标,提高市场竞争地位。 接下来有关英国代写-交易型领导和变革型领导的管理分享给大家阅读。

  As a visionary transactional leader, my skills and responsibilities are to bring out the best out of the employees and help them realise the organisational objectives. It is my duty to encourage the team members to improve their skills and share with them my knowledge. This is how I can satisfy the organisational objectives and gain respect from my team members. It is important to note that both kinds of leadership are required to run a successful management operation, since the transactional leaders are the most effective for running the front line operations. For instance, a shift supervisor, or a floor manager is ordained with the responsibility to ensure the effective execution of departmental functions.

  Managerial Skills

  Delegation means an authority. An individual is possessing so that specific organizational activities can be carried out. In this concerned aspect, the organizational objective is the maintenance of high standard safety awareness and programmes to enhance safe culture in the workplace. I used to lack delegation in co-ordinating with my project team members. It can be considered as one of the primary aspect of management leadership. Therefore, to improve this, I had to understand the core traits of managerial leadership. Leadership is an important process in influencing the behaviour of other individuals through facilitation (Jung, 2014). This is performed so that the stated goals and objectives can be fully accomplished. In this perspective, the theory on Fayol’s management process holds higher significance. Under this theory, certain aspects of management processes are planning, organizing, leading, co-ordinating and controlling etc. Planning means future assessment and accordingly making provisions.

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