
  本篇essay代写-台湾羽毛球拍市场的适用性,本研究的范围仅限于瞭解直接行销在台湾羽毛球拍市场的适用性。因此,这项工作的结果只能在台湾的背景下理解,而不能作为羽毛球拍制造市场的一般结果。其次,该工作只是试图了解现有的公司如何利用直接营销,而不是试图判断他们现有的营销技术的效率。这些建议只是为了向公司展示他们现有的营销技术可以如何推广。现有营销技术的效率在这里没有争议。最后,对消费者的分析考虑了广泛的消费者基础,因此研究人员认为没有偏见。然而,这个消费群体是整个台湾对羽毛球感兴趣的人群的样本。因此,存在一种可能性,即所反映的观点不是主流观点,因此这项研究数据和理解必须负责任地解释和应用于未来的研究工作。接下来有关 essay代写-台湾羽毛球拍市场的适用性 分析如下:

  Gender might have a positive correlation with the level of satisfaction that customers face when they buy a racket. A strong tendency to switch to another brand based on the gender factor is hence noticed. This is one area companies can focus on when they structure their marketing.

  Less correlation is observed between purchase of racket based on significant factors and the purchase based on exposure to advertisements. The lack of correlation could be because of several reasons. Firstly, some of the participants state that they never faced a marketing advertisement through the telephone, the mail, the email or through a face to face interaction. Secondly, only a small portion of the participants were exposed to face to face direct marketing. Most of the participants were exposed to email form of targeted advertising.

  Where a firm updates information on the products, based on factors like the resilience of rods etc, it is observed that would be positive correlations with the purchase variable. However, correlations with actual purchase satisfaction are not determined with the data.

  While actual purchase satisfactions cannot be determined, a positive correlation is seen where the customer states that they might not switch to another brand as long as the firm updates information on the products they sell. Thus, some amount of information transparency is appreciated by the customer.

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