

Layout design of an organization (a plant, factory or facility) is the arrangement of its departments, equipment, work centers and people to maintain smooth flow of operations (Jordan & Lloyd, 2017). KPU library is spread over 1,718 square meters, providing the students with all necessary facilities that they require. These facilities include 93 computers with MS office, e-resources and internet, 5 kiosks with quick search facility, 52 study carrels, 9 group study tables, 8 group study rooms, a library teaching lab, a jaws/zoom text station, 3 multifunctional printers and 1 color printer, 2 Audio/Visual preview stations, software and equipment.
KPU library has the layout of a retail outlet wherein people come, select the products they want, go the reception/cashier’s desk and pay for the items. When put together for a library, at KPU library, the students enter the library premises, check the availability of books required by them and search for the same in respective shelves. Once they are able to find the books, they bring it to the librarian at front desk for issue before checking out. Figure 3 describes the process layout design and Figure 4 represents the design layout of the library.

The critical job functions performed by the librarian at KPU Library, at each process/layout stage are:
Maintaining information in many formats, for example, books, magazines, newspapers, e-books and e-resources, audio-video recordings, manuscripts, photographs, maps and other web-based and digital data.
Checking availability of books as per student requirements
In case the book is available, validating student information in college records and checking the number of books to be issued to him.
Creating transaction record for the student based on the number of books issued by him.
Updating book status in the system.
Updating number of books issued to the student and informing him if he cannot issue more books as he has already issued the maximum number of books allowed per student.
Other than these, a librarian also needs to capitalize on the job design concepts for improving his job design:
For example, at KPU Library, a librarian is able to finish most of his tasks in maximum 5 minutes of time (Stopwatch time study). Thereby, he strives to achieve job enlargement by performing other activities apart from lending books. These include providing information literacy instructions to students in the form of computer training programs. They engage in filling out requests for interlibrary loans for to widen knowledge database for students. They also assist with the responsibility of printers and study rooms in their spare time to reduce boredom and learn new skills.
For increasing their efficiency and expertise, the librarians try to focus on a single task in a day and switch to some other task the nest day. This process of job rotation keeps them motivated by exposing them to different roles and responsibilities.

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