

My initial thoughts when planning for the Co-Op were to ensure that I get the placement smoothly. I believe there were little challenges when it comes to landing the Co-Op. I believe this was because of the support given by my University. Firstly, the University strived to prepare students very well when it comes to developing student portfolios, and CV’s. This learning was significant to me. Student portfolio preparation showed me my strengths and areas of improvement. The CV preparation taught me how to present skills with integrity, and how to connect with the company I was posting the CV to the early stages of Co-Op application; I was also guided in terms of communication practices. My communication level improved significantly, as I interacted with different companies. I mailed some of them, with some a phone conversation was required. Two of the companies I interviewed with in person before I landed the job at were AA Taxation & Accounting Service Ltd.
Tom Grundy, an independent consultant for accountant training states that even when companies make use of software’s for basic accounting or outsource their accounting work to other accounting firms, they need a typical in house financial unit in order to help them with cash management. An intimate understanding of business and accountancy is hence required. I believe that in my workplace, I learned accounting tasks for different businesses and this makes me quite ready to start my career in any company.
I gained a sound ethical perspective on how to handle things in the workplace. There are professional ethics for accountants that have to be kept, and then there are ethical issues and resolutions based on context. Although I did not come across any ethical conflict from my end, the ethics workshop conducted for co-ops was useful. I was able to well differentiate how protocol need not always be ethical, and when required one should raise an alert or their concerns to their superior.
Not only I believe the workplace taught me many things, but also I believe I bought some values to the workplace which was an asset to my co-employees. An important value I brought to the workplace in addition to my professional skills is the value of communication, diversity acceptance and inclusion. Certain communication skills are appropriate for different work settings. In the case of the accountancy field, communication has to be detailed at times and succinct at others. The company I worked with provided better guidance towards incorporating diversity as well. They promoted effective workplace communication that is important for the companies with the workplace diversity. This helped me understand how to reduce the barriers erected owing to the language and cultural cases. Such training in effective communication greatly contributed to the productivity and reduced my operational discomfort. In my future with respect to my career, I understand the need for being culturally sensitive and inclusive. The managers of the accounting companies need to address global demands. They often take up clients internationally. They need to be aware of the cultural sensitivity. This would increase the cohesive flow of operations. I learned the valuable lesson of why effective communications is required for the businesses to look above the domestic borders. The benefits hold not only in the context of diversity acceptance and inclusion, but also for the overall productivity improvement in the workplace. As an employee, I felt lesser discomfort when I could connect well with other employees, and for this, effective communication is a basic. In cases where effective communication does not exist, there can be more frustration and confusion that will prevail.

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