
本篇代寫論文費用-民族誌研究與參與者情緒訴求的聯系。將這些情緒作為答案之一加以捕捉將是非常重要的,從而獲得答案和研究結果的有效性和可靠性(Fickers and Johnson, 2012)。從這項研究中尋找的主要證據是關於參與者對品牌受歡迎程度的定義的可靠回歸,以及他們如何看待自己眼中的品牌。這些研究所需的數據必須通過向公眾提問來收集,並讓媒體、電影和文化專家參與進來,他們將評估品牌的繁榮程度和公眾的普遍接受程度。這些數據可以通過大眾參與的方式收集,比如電子郵件問卷,特定地點的個人問題,這些人都是電影愛好者,對媒體和品牌的了解比基本知識要多一點。

The principle evidence sought is also about the public decision about whom they consider more popular, the brand James Bond, or the current person acting as James Bond. In other words, if the current actor acting as James Bond retires or is replaced with a new face, will they continue to like the James Bond brand and how much they will like the person who leaves the brand. These are the primary questions which will give enormous information about the extent to which media is successful in promoting a brand along with films, and the culture of the country or a community who serves to like the brand in general.
Consideration while collecting the data will be about the authenticity of the answers provided. For this to happen, personal interview participants will also be asked the same questions in the form of a questionnaire that will double validate the answers and offer some kind of reliability (Moores, 1993). The validity of these answers will also be met when the answers will be compared with most other answers to understand the broader culture and the thinking behind the answers giving subtle conclusive thoughts about the findings. The interpretations will highly depend on the way the answers are being sought and the replies generated. The interpretations generated through observation visually will be more fruitful and elaborate, let alone accurate. Therefore care will have to be taken that those participants who agree to be a volunteer will have to be met in person and observed properly to have the answers clarified. This will and may require some experts in the field of ethnography who are best in observing people and interpreting exactly as it is and not as it is perceived to be, while observing the participants answering the questions.
One more consideration about the research will be to see if the answers that are received are not manufactured or structured as some participants do give wrong answers purposely on their will (Kipnis, 2011). This is to be taken care of and can be solved when after their answers they are observed silently about the same subject of James Bond and watch their reaction to compare with their answers given verbally.
Research in culture, media, and films is a very interesting subject as it has innumerable interpretations and provides much more conclusions than a normal research would. The video poses a question about the popularity of the character of James Bond and the person enacting Bond. This is a question which raises many more questions about the likelihood of the character being manufactured and the person being real and which one is actually pulling the viewers along. The research is best done through an ethnographic study involving studying of the culture of the community, their film preferences, their reactions while answering the questions about James Bond and the character, etc. The answers received from the participants will require double validation by observing them after their answers for their reaction. The ethnography will also involve studying the culture of people answering the question and their preferences in films, media and particular habits. With these changes, the results received can be collected and interpreted correctly with a more convincing audience for the research and profitable and usable conclusions for the film fraternity. The method used is the best one as it involves a lot of intentional movements in the film and the character under question is of a global popularity seeking a very wide acceptance. Research through ethnography will never be conclusive in definitive sense as it covers a lot of complex participants and interpretations which always seem to remain invalid and unreliable.

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