

For the actual writing process, important information that was noted prior to writing the essay must be included. It should be paraphrased and used to support arguments. From paraphrasing and noting down the central ideas, a key argument was developed in the essay. It is important for writers to have a certain assertion or argument that should be critically analyzed by considering both sides of the viewpoint. From the different ideas, assertion made initially should be considered critically (Collis & Hussey, 2013). It is important to develop a central theme from the ideas presented in the essay. While paraphrasing, information collated from the writer must recognize the different sources.
It is very important to source and cite information collected from different sources. It gives the original writer their due recognition. It also involves accountability of the information. Any assertive claim that is made while writing essay can be backed by relevant facts. It is used to give support to the claims written in essay or academic journals. Referencing basically provides the reader with four claims. They provide the readers with published facts, dates and also details pertaining to the information gathered. These factors give credibility to the information that is obtained from different sources (Pennycook, 1996). This information was the key factors from which the writer makes a claim about events. These sourcing of information can be qualitative or descriptive data. There are many kinds and varieties of academic referencing system. They are journals, articles, books, reliable websites, governmental reports and reports published by credible sources.
In-text citation is also an important aspect that needs to be considered when referencing sources. It is imperative in the Harvard style or APA referencing to include the last name of the author followed by the year of publications. In-text citation are provided whenever information is collected from a particular source. This citation must be provided whenever direct quotes, ideas of another person or paraphrasing of information is done. In-text citation gives the reader idea where the information was sourced and also gives insights about the type of research conducted by the original writer.
For the essay there was varied references used from Journals, Websites and Books. In- text citation was provided whenever information was used from the references. The completed essay was about how smart phone technology operates in the current dynamic markets. For this process, statistical data and information about the latest development in the field of mobile technology was analyzed in great detail.
From the actual writing process, the importance and the relevance of academic sources was understood. From introspection and analysis of the Tutor comments about the essay it is agreed from this essay writing process that there should be accurate in text citation. More focus should be given to developing in text citations that are appropriate. A central theme of smart phone technology was discussed in detail in this essay for which there should have been more in text citations. From this process a new tool was developed. It helped develop skills on how to present information and strengthen argumentative viewpoints. On speculating and retrospection, it is understood that collection of proper information, referencing and in text citation are integral factors for the development of a respectable essay.

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