
代寫論文費用-阻止恐怖主義。世界各地不斷發生恐怖主義事件,給世界各地的每一個人帶來痛苦和痛苦。這些恐怖主義行為對無辜的人有著不分青紅皂白的影響,僅僅是在錯誤的地點和錯誤的時間點(理查森,2007)。這篇文章提到了恐怖主義的幾個不同方面,同時提到了不同當局為預防和打擊恐怖主義所采取的行動。這篇文章提到了聯合王國、美利堅合眾國、加拿大和聯合國的法案。展望未來,恐怖主義已從五個不同的政治角度得到確認。在政治上,恐怖主義可以從5個不同的理論角度來考慮。這些是無政府主義、法西斯主義、反殖民主義、東正教和宗教。在這種背景下,可以說恐怖主義對世界的社會和政治環境產生了重大的影響(Roach, 2001)。一般人民的福利是若幹經濟發展的關鍵,因此,有必要把重點放在預防和消除全球範圍內的恐怖主義和有關暴力行為上。

Canada, United Kingdom, and the United States of America have been identified as significant forces, currently constituting the world of Western society. These nations are said to be having a close link by the continuous diplomatic relations, power of the economy and overlapping history (Richardson, 2007). In brief terms, these nations have been identified as powerful authorities across the globe. However, it is imperative for noting that the beneficial and powerful position held by the countries do not seem to be involving any kind of tribulation.
The government of United Kingdom has been outlining the significance of paradigm regarding criminal offence dealing with terrorism under the 2006 Act of British Terrorism. As per the act, terrorism has been defined as an action or threat designed for influencing the government authorities or for intimidating the section or entire setting of the public, and is established as the purpose to advance an ideological, religious or political cause (Richardson, 2007). Causing violence against the public, damaging the property, and endangering the life of people, and risks to the safety and health of the public have been identified as key areas of crime outlined under the act.
It has been claimed by New America Foundation that the mass surveillance programme of NSA seems to be having no discernible effect for preventing the act of terrorism (Martin, 2015). There has been a repeated exaggeration for the efficacy regarding techniques of bulk surveillance apart from the misleading aspects of 9/ 11 attacks against the public. There lies failure in the prevention of efficient crime because of the lack of sufficient understanding being sourced traditional sources. Claims investigated by the government of USA show concern with the effectiveness and competence of the bulk surveillance by NSA since major terrorism attacks across the globe (Richardson, 2007). However, it has been identified that surveying the phone metadata in America seems to be having no discernible effect for the prevention of acts related to terrorism, with only certain marginal impacts for the prevention of activity related to terrorism, like the terrorist group being raised by funds.

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