
英国传播学论文代写-多元主义。多元主义是一种承认人民权力的政治哲学。人民的权力分布在人口中。各国的立法、规则和任务都集中于给予人口平等的权力。多元主义概念已经得到普及,并以多种形式表现出来(Judge, 1995)。多元主义的概念是古典多元主义、改革多元主义和新多元主义(Bjork, 2006.)。这些多元主义的变体是在世界上的民主自由国家中发展起来的。然而,多元主义概念的实际实施在世界上不同的民主国家是不同的(Bohman, 2000)。在此分析中,以多元主义的概念对英美两国的民主制度进行了探讨。为此目的,改革的多元主义和新多元主义思想被用于此目的。通过对多元议程实施情况的比较分析,得出分析和结论。

UK follows the reformed pluralist models owing to which there are some factors that are changed from the classical pluralist model. This model is more aligned with the classical theory. It has more specifics and it allows the governance system to be diffused among many organizations (Gagnon, & Tully, 2001). In the UK system the idea of state sovereignty is rejected. There is more power and autonomy is given to the Prime Minister in this system. This system is dependent more on the capabilities of the Prime Minister in handling of executive and judiciary duties.
Both these system are considered to be liberal and respects democracy. There is more importance given to the people view and there is high tolerance in the societal systems. This has lead to the progress and stability of the nations. US follow federalism on the other hand UK follows majoritarian system of governance. US system of constitution is a codified system and the UK system is considered to be uncodified.
UK party system has a major political party and opposition political parties sit in the House of Commons. However the Members of the Parliament are allowed not to have any party affiliates and can be independent. They are allowed to vote while making important decisions. They generally tend to lean against a party affiliate but they do not belong or consider themselves to be a member of any party system. This system is also observed in US. In this system again there are Democrats and Republicans. The elected representatives can choose any one party ideology or lean towards any party ideology. Their votes will also be considered while making policy decisions. There is a lot of autonomy that is given to the elected officials in this process. Each of these systems is not perfect. Each their own flaws are influenced by the political events of the world. However it is estimated that there will be a more balance approach owing to differing ideologies in the system.

From this it can be concluded that pluralism takes into account ideologies of many organizations. There are many varieties of pluralism that are developed in order to enforce the pluralism from individual countries. This classical Pluralism is a traditional system where the concepts and ideologies cannot be implemented. It is considered to be vague in order to overcome these issue countries like UK and US follow neo pluralism and reformed pluralism. Both these countries have a system that is very liberal and democratic. There is more emphasize given to autonomy of the people. There are several advantages and some implementation issues in both of these ideologies. But there is stability in the nations and historically the countries have been independent and have internal stability.

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