
代寫論文-供應鏈夥伴關系。供應鏈夥伴關系一般強調的是長期和直接的聯系,目的是解決問題和相互計劃(Benton & Maloni, 2005)。權力對供應鏈至關重要,因為它可以影響企業間的關系。然而,對於電源和電源目標來說,了解這種電源的使用和存在是非常重要的。當電力合作夥伴不明智地使用供應鏈時,供應鏈更有可能被利用。

Literary sources have clearly differentiated the relationships between traditional thinking and partnership thinking. When it happens as a partnership between supplier and buyer, there exists a need for a long term alliance. In the traditional times, problem solving happened through power drivers and the supplier base was large to switch between them for the buyers to benefit from it. It is not the case today as the problem solving is mutual. Further, very few suppliers that encourage partnerships and offer value added services are available.
Power application is essential for two major reasons: better orientation and enhanced performance of supply chain. The power variable is rather powerful as it can affect the supplier satisfaction and buyer satisfaction too. Researchers find that differences in the relationships exist when a size asymmetry is visible. This happens when the purchasing power is large and supply power is lesser. Power implies trust and interpersonal relationships that drive the business further and impose greater impacts on the profitability and sustainability.
In the process of cost cutting, many suppliers have tried to transfer the responsibilities. This affects the win-win intentions (Benton & Maloni, 2005). The performance guidelines are compromised. Power is critical in the supply chain industry as it can ease the marketing process and the sustainability of the firm. On the other hand, the buyers gain satisfaction when the partnership is positive.
Case study
To study the aforementioned case about power, it is appropriate to learn the power relationship between National Health Service in UK and Pharmaceutical Supply Network. NHS has found numerous issues in the supplier management from PSN as the procurement and distribution require better expertise and safer handling (Chatziaslan et al., 2005). The buyer exercises the power by stating that on time delivery and affordability followed by accessibility are essential for the supplier. Analysed the state of PSN, it encourages the agents to retain the power and shift between various parties. While some products are unique and the usability varies, many others are dominated by the supplier (PSN). The structure followed by PSN allows better coordination and power management by its agents and structure competes with other suppliers in the market.
Application analysis
Power can be categorized into four types based on the type of products offered by the supplier and availed by the buyer.

  • Leverage product – It is a trust based relationship and a mediated power to increase the profit impact is present (Moorman et al., 1992).
  • Non critical product – Power does not work well in this case as the relationship is entirely trust based. When the trust is broken, the profit is lesser and supply risk is higher.
  • Strategic product – Power is the key in strategic products as the products are unique and the supply risk is limited but profit is high. Higher the impact of such profit, the power existing between the two ends is better and is not mediated.
  • Bottleneck product – Though the power is mediated, supplier is the king and can have a better profit rate if the power is exercised rightly (Ryu et al., 2007). In the case of bottleneck products, many suppliers attempt to exploit the buyers which will affect the strategic partnership and result in loss to the company.

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