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論文代寫-麥當勞的服務理念。服務理念是麥當勞的一個重要理念。服務理念確保公司或組織提供的服務有助於在客戶需求和公司戰略意圖之間進行冥想(Mondurailingam, Jeyaseelan和Subramani, 2015)。對於快速服務餐廳來說,消費者面臨的最重要的問題是等待時間。快速服務餐廳的重要特征之一就是為顧客提供快捷的服務。

Even though this is the main aim of the firm often time, there are longer queues in the quick service fast food restaurant such as McDonalds. In case of tourists visiting, a particular place, they often are ready to stand in the long queue, but in case of the local customers is not the case (Harrington et al., 2017). They are not ready to stand in the long queue and therefore, it creates a problem for the growth of the organization or the firm. Therefore, if the waiting times were much less, it would become easier to satisfy the customers who are there (Lim and Loh, 2014).
According to McDonalds, there are several queues that encourage the firm to keep the queue in order. The parallel queues often allow the customers to change their queue. The queues are used to make orders, payment and along with it, there is another queue; and according to various critics and the scholars, this particular queue is an invisible queue and here the consumers wait, while their order is prepared (Mondurailingam, Jeyaseelan and Subramani, 2015). Hence, it is said that the time taken to cook the food is equivalent to the time taken to gather the food. Therefore, there are mainly two stations and those include the order and the pay station, and at the same time, there is the waiting station, it refers to the waiting time while the food is gathered by the people working there (Lim and Loh, 2014).
McDonald also has the policy of serving the fresh quality food to their customers and at the minimum time that is available. It is been done in order to satisfy the customers so that more customers get attracted to the outlet and the profit of the organization is increased as well (Harrington et al., 2017). Therefore, the layout of the organization plays an important role in this case. Thus, the chairs are arranged in such a way inside the outlet that if the customers stand in the queue they do not have any collision with the chairs. Moreover, the distance from the queue and the chairs are not much therefore, the staff takes less than one minute time to serve the customers who are there. In addition, the firm keeps the tills open so that the staffs do not face any problem in serving the customers in less than one minute (Lim and Loh, 2014).
The organization has made investment in their technological sector. In this particular sector, the firm has made investment so that they could improve the service that is provided to the customers. In the year 2001, the organization has made investment in order to improve the point of sale of the organization and has linked it with the computer at the back office. It has also helped them to look after at the services that are provided by the organization around the whole world (Harrington et al., 2017).
Another most important strategy that has been taken by the firm and an importance in this firm is its franchise. The most important strategy that McDonalds has adopted includes the strategy of operating through the franchises. It is particular strategy that has actually assisted the firm to gain global significance. Therefore, this is an important strategy of the organization, which has helped the organization to become profitable around the world (Yunus et al., 2013).

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