

  Yoshida had framed a letter to Dulles stating the allegiance of the policy framework of America. This was framed reluctantly by Yoshida owing to the pressure from Dulles. Dulles had wanted this letter to convince the United States congress bipartisan congress. This letter is a reflection of several policy of the state. This letter is also a reflection of the powers of intimidation of Dulles. Shigeru Yoshida served as the Prime Minister Japan during the years of 1948 to 1954. He had paved the foundation to development of Japan. The Prime Minister fundamentally relied on United States military o protect the nation from foreign threats. The policies that he had paved had become famously noted as Yoshida Doctrine. It was during this leadership that Yoshida had been able to build Japan .

  On 24th December 1951, John Dulles had laid the foundation to develop Japan China relationship. In the letter, there was intent by the Prime Minister wanted to maintain peace with Taipei. The letter is considered to be a reflection of the American domestic pressure. Dulles wanted to achieve several key policies and enhance the control of the United States in the Pacific region. This letter is a symbolization of the inherent pressure that United States had exercised over Japan.

  In the letter, it was stated

  “I hope to establish diplomatic relationship with the Republic of China, which has seats, the right to speak and vote, administrative responsibilities in certain areas of the United Nations, as well as the diplomatic relations with the member states. When the law allows and with the permission of the Republic of China, out government intends to renew normal relations and to conclude the treaty with the Republic of China based on the principles of an international peace treaty.”

  In this part, it is quite clear that Yoshida wanted to explicitly assure Dulles that they respected the sovereignty of China. This had paved the way for fostering good relationship between Japan and China. This letter has been found to have a lot of significance. It is also a reflection that Japan did not intend to commit war crimes against the nations. This was to assuage the concerns that Japan had adopted a more peaceful approach, and they did not intend to commit any more war crimes against nations. The main highlight of the letter was the assurance that Yoshida gives to Dulles that the nation has no intention of pursuing the war or embrace the communistic ideals.

  At the end of the letter Shigeru assures Dulles

  “I am sure that the Japanese government has no intention to conclude the bilateral treaty with the communist regime”

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