

  The perception of a brand by the consumer is determined by their cognitive, language, action and emotional response towards a brand. Companies in the modern times try to influence the consumer to make them predisposed towards a brand or a product. The perception of the brand by the consumer is a sum of all the factors about a particular product, service or companies that make the people deliver the product. The brand perception of the product is shaped by the functional experience of the product and the perceived quality of the product by the consumers . It is about how the consumers associate themselves with the product and the companies. If the consumers are given approval from reputable sources along with recommendations from their friends and families, they are more likely to choose a product. Another important aspect is how the companies choose to advertise their product or brand. The stakeholders of the company should also give positive responses about the product. These factors are in reality not in the control of the brand owners. They can only tell a story and create a facade about themselves. The people perceive these messages based on the events and social perceptions regarding the brand. Brand perception is in reality owned by the consumers. The companies might try to develop a brand image what is important is to understand the reality behind the consumer minds. To understand this concept, the companies try to use surveys and focus groups to measure and improve the perception of the brand by the consumers. There have been utilization of the social media tools and metrics to understand how a consumer feels about a particular brand and what message they want to send out to the consumers. In the recent times, there has been a general trend of health conscious consumers. There has been recommendations from the doctors about the number of calories in the product. Owing to this, there has been a shifting paradigm regarding healthier choices in food. These factors need to be addressed by the companies in order to alleviate the concerns of the consumers and ensure that the consumer requirements as being met by the companies. To understand the root causes of what the consumer actually require, there have been a number of endeavors taken up by the beverage industry in general. There are a lot of resources and times spent to understand the consumer dynamics in the society.

  論文代寫-消費者對品牌的認知就為留學生分享到這裏。英國高階論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台機構為留學生們提供英國代寫、essay代寫、paper代寫等論文代寫服務,幫助留學生們解決論文的寫作困擾,圓自己一個留學提升學位的夢想!