

  The successful manager should have the tact to develop the newer products on a small scale and expect it to fail . In practice, the companies should have an alternative strategy in place where they know that this failure will not cause large scale impact to the company. One of the major tactful strategic decisions that would be taken by the managers is to develop newer markets for the products.

  Senior managers need to ensure that they meddle into the operations of the company especially when they are probing into the disruptive technology. Christensen & Raynor, (2013) use the case study of Nypro to explain the nuances of how the senior managers should be actively involved in bringing changes to the company. “Novaplast” machine was developed to overcome the challenges in the production of precision plastics. This was personally overseen by the CEO Lankton during the 1990s to oversee the disruptive innovation. Even the companies that do not adopt the disruptive technology need to be aware of the potential impact of the disruptive technology and find ways to overcome these effects.

  Paap & Katz (2004) state that organizations of today need to be wary of the potential impact of the disruptive technology. There is a paradoxical “dualism” that exists in the consumers and even the most structured and organized companies will be impacted by the effects of dualism and growing consumer needs. There is a constant need for newer innovative products even in the existing markets and there will be a constant need for the newer products in the existing markets. This challenge can be overcome when companies continually analyze their product life cycle. These are the theories that have been put forward for disruptive innovation. These are very valuable points when developing innovation. It has been criticized that these theories do not address all the important variables that are required for the commercialization of the product. There are certain gaps in these theories which have been discussed in the following.

  Like in the case of Amazon ecommerce website, when they venture into a new market, they try to adapt to the local culture for selling the products. But the B2C consumer model is the same throughout the spectrum (Tixier, 2005). They have managed to develop nuances in their marketing strategy based on the local culture. Yahoo website and Google website allow searches in different languages, but the original concept or their service marketing has not changes. These kind of changes can aid in bringing a paradigm shift (Tixier, 2005).

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