

  Though the main course of reproduction is the same, there are two main differences, which can be noted when one talks about sex in homo sapiens is that we have not only lost out on the ‘estrus’ period in female during the evolution. But also the signalling to the main and any kind of external change which take place in the primate females. Females in humans produce eggs at regular intervals, after every 28 days almost, and this egg can be fertilised over a period of three to five days after the 28 days. But unlike the primates, there is nit external sign or signal of all in this. Though there are physiological and hormonal changes, and an increase in the body temperature in females, but the men usually cannot tell nor they are signalled at. Thus, it can be said that since estrus period is lost in humans, and also there is no outward sign for the ovulation or for calling out to the opposite gender for mating, and homo sapiens have been labelled as having ‘nondetectable ovulation’.

  It can be said that Homo sapiens represent their individuality, sexually and with individual personalities, as members of particular cultural systems. They tend to respond sexually to the attitudes and the personalities of individuals from the opposite sex according to the standard behaviour and attractiveness as determined by the respective cultures that they belong to. For initiating sex, Homo sapiens do not need a set of signals like the other animals or our predecessors do. They tend to get attracted to the attitude, appearance, personal traits, intelligence, socioeconomic status and all such factors which determine the involvement of two people, two individual from opposite sex for sex.

  From primitive point of view, it can be said that since the above-mentioned are missing, the species would not know when to have sex in order to reproduce. But nevertheless since Homo sapiens are the most evolved form, they have what is known as the ‘continuous estrus’. The signals and the unconscious behaviours have been replaced by sexual consciousness in Homo sapiens. The conscious thought of the human beings includes the consideration of their respective sexuality in the neo-cortexes, the whole process involving the attractiveness, attitude and the emotions involved when dealing with the other opposite sex (Wallen and Schneider, 2000).

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