

  A first mover strategy is one that the company is the first to enter some specific industry or industry niche. There are many first mover advantages that can be created for the company as it would be identifying really unique opportunities that nobody else in the market would have taken account of before ). The first mover advantage is seen in Logitech decision making from the first time it introduced its Logitech mouse. This was a product based first mover strategy. It was one of the strategic pioneers that started focusing on the most singular product of a mouse. Usually such a first mover advantage might not be sustained as other competitors catch up (Suarez, & Lanzolla, 2005). However, here Logitech used a strategy to retain its first mover advantage over a longer time. Even later as it started diversifying its stands apart from its competitors because the competitors were not involved in just computer peripherals manufacturing. Logitech on the other hand was involved in only the making of computer peripherals. This managed to give the company sustained advantage as the company could now afford to be innovative.

  Understanding industry dynamics are critical to a successful first mover advantage, and business organizations that study niche markets will be able to take advantage of even calm market situations (Cleff, & Rennings, 2012). In 2005 for instance, Logitech was able to observe that there were no commercial CAM technology products that were specifically launched for women (Hoffman, 2011). The women segment in particular was not being targeted by existing businesses and Logitech saw an opportunity here. It launched the Quick Cam. The Quick Cam functionality was one where a businesswoman can stay in touch with their family, say bye or goodnight to their husband or children. In making the decision to launch the Quick Cam Logitech once again was able to reap first mover advantages. It was able to show how women embrace technology as long as it fits their needs.

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