
  个人陈述代写-驱动家庭企业创新的原因。驱动家族企业创新的主要愿望是在消费者的偏好中保持竞争和可持续的愿望(Lin and Song, 2007)。这使他们采用新的创新标准,改变他们对商业的文化观,并聘请支持他们进行创新投资和实施的专业人士。日益激烈的竞争加上消费者的忠诚,鼓励他们保持竞争地位。与此同时,他们也在不断改进他们在生产方法和服务提供方面的创新立场。有可接受的限制对家族企业的能力扩大投资创新,不断完善产品质量(Verhees Meulenberg, 2004),没有短缺,缺乏适应和改变的意愿,根据市场需求和利用一切可用资源继续创新。论文范文个人陈述代写-驱动家庭企业创新的原因分享给留学生阅读。

  The primary desire that drives the innovation in family business is the desire to compete and remain sustainable in the consumers’ preferences (Lin and Song, 2007). This makes them adopt to new innovation standards, change their cultural outlook towards business, and also hire professionals who support them into innovation investment and implementation. The rising competition along with the pride of their consumers’ loyalty encourages them to retain their competitive position . At the same time, they also keep improving their innovative stand on production methods and overhauling of the service offerings. There are acceptable limitations for family owned businesses in their ability to scale up the innovation investment and keep improving the product quality (Verhees and Meulenberg, 2004), there is never a shortage and dearth of the willingness to adapt and change according to the market demands and use whatever resources available to continue innovating (Deng, Hofman and Newman, 2012).

  Shi (2014) talks about the lack of quality innovations due to lack of proper R&D input, and their consistency in producing non-novel innovations instead of novel ones primarily due to the lack of superior knowledge coming from their resistance of being open to global talents. Many issues like inability to compensate talented manpower due to non-corporate culture, lack of acceptance of instability in employee performance and higher attrition rates, makes the family businesses spend less and consider gradual growth instead of exponential (O’Hara, 2004). However, Liu and Chen (2014) asserts that the current family owned businesses have been one of the fastest growing communities in China. And they are more ready than ever to compete globally with multinationals and produce and deliver equal quality and quantity of products and services. Zheng (2010) further argues that among the family of entrepreneurs in China and the family-owned businesses, there are two kinds of group, the Schumpeterian and Kirznerian coming from Kirzner and Schumpeter. The Schumpeterian entrepreneurs and family businesses go ahead and innovate new products by studying the market and identifying the lack of supply, whereas the Kirznerian entrepreneurs and family owned businesses tend to identify the existing innovation and imitate to the best of its advantage and make the profit. Time and the extent and intensity of influence of the rising global multinationals along with the political will to sustain the heritage of family businesses through bilateral trade negotiations, and policy reforms will eventually decide about the future of family-owned businesses in China (Brunero, 2015).

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