




The emperor and the army had conflict of interests and this often led to difficult situations where the decision to be taken during a war or a battle was stuck and no decision rendered inaction, leading to loss in wars. Had the army and the emperor had more coordination and one single objective of serving the citizens and safeguarding the borders, the conflict could have been avoided. The Roman city and the provinces had conflicts of poor coordination and alliance to battle enemies on the borders, and the differential treatment of law enforcement in the city and the provinces. This could have been avoided by identifying and accepting the single patriotic responsibility of the city and the provinces and rejecting any influence which terms the two regions as separate.Upper and lower classes had discriminative wealth distribution, and this could have been avoided by equalising the distribution of wealth.

The Christians and the polytheists differed in their idea of God, which could have been best avoided by accepting multiple ways but sole purpose of attaining God of all religions. The Huns usually came from the side of the Caspian Sea and to what is called the modern day Kazakhstan, and were the most brutal in their conduct and appearances. The Visigoths came from the nomadic tribes of the Germania region. The Huns and Visigoths were barbarous in their conduct and established their own kingdoms besides Rome and had an on and off relationship with Rome. They proved to be the primary reason for the fall of the Roman Empire, due to their separate kingdom establishment and constant conflict with the Romans.