

认知测试对情绪和觉醒水平都有积极影响。然而,对成年人的影响是短暂的。有趣的是,在儿童时期听音乐或学习音乐对大脑生长有长期的积极影响。事实上,接触音乐的智力益处是可靠和系统的。他们扩展到非音乐能力,并发现可能的结果,播放或听到音乐(Schellenberg, 2006)。换句话说,与没有接触过音乐的同龄人相比,接触过音乐的儿童往往更聪明,学习成绩也更稳定。牢记这一重要发现,需要尽早让孩子们接触音乐。事实证明,儿童时期学习乐器可以提高成年早期的智商和学业成绩(Miendiarzewska & Trost, 2013)。



Cognitive tests show positive effects on both mood and arousal level. However, the impact is short lived in adults. Interestingly, listening to music or learning music in childhood shows long term positive impact on brain growth. In fact, the intellectual benefits of exposure to music are reliable and systematic. They extend to non-musical abilities and are found to the likely result of playing or hearing music (Schellenberg, 2006). In other words, young children exposed to music tend to be more intelligent and perform consistently in academics as compared to their peers who have no exposure to music. Bearing this important finding in mind, children need to be introduced to music as early as possible. It has been proven that learning to play an instrument in childhood is known to improve IQ and academic performance in young adulthood (Miendiarzewska & Trost, 2013).

Therefore, caregivers and parents must make an effort to inculcate an appreciation for music and encourage young children to try their hand at any musical instrument of their choice. Sadly, the effect of background music on cognitive ability presents several contradictory findings. Background music is known to improve mathematical ability in children with behavioral disorders. The studies that measured the reading comprehension among young adults listening to music find that their performance levels dropped drastically when listening to loud and fast music. Hence it would be apt to say that the intensity and tempo would make a significant difference to the impact of music on individuals.