

Five key recommended revenue and sales strategies that cover both price and non-price methods

  1. The Fiona hotel must go above the best or the benchmarked level of services in the lobby ambience and provide the best of environment for meetings, families, and leisure usage. Many hotels very well if they have a large lobby and provide open access to internet and dining options (Chen, 2011). The hotel already has a ready internet facility which it gives for free and it must work on its ambience of the lobby to provide a huge advantage to guests over other hotels. This is a non-price sales technique to expedite the sales and make profits.
  2. The hotel can reduce the pricing of its non-room services such as club, facility usage like gymnasium, pool, entertainment area, etc. At the same time it can increase the dining prices marginally as it is associated with the best lobby which is the attractive aspect for guests. Thus, when there are more guests in the lobby it can capitalise on that and make some increments in the dining prices and hide it under new offers which are attractive but keep the net margins higher. This is a price based method of enhancing sales and profits.
  3. Promotion of products which are popular can be made to have higher net margins (Kossakowska, 2013). Westin hotels are popular for the quality and types of pillows that it offers across the world and this has become a single reason for guest staying at a Westin hotel wherever they go. Thus, Fiona if consists of a popular dish it must cross sell it to all guests by interactive marketing and suggesting them to try. This dish must be the excellent one and prepared by the best of chef. This promotion will increase the sale of this dish and thus the gross and net margin will significantly increase with aggressive marketing of this product having the highest net margin (Wu, 2013).
  4. Making the service time bound by promising a fixed time of delivery and then fulfilling the promise is a unique way of forming an attractive service. It’s challenging and innovative for the staff members and for the guests as well, because most guests will visit the hotel just to take the test of the time bound service request. Fiona must develop this non-profit practice to make the service more justifiable.
  5. Fiona hotel can consider personal marketing where it appoints a team of talented employees for the personal marketing who will build long lasting relationships with guests who are regular and who seem promising in terms of per visit spending. This is a price based and non-price based approach of improving sales and profit for the company.

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